Show 'r 1 Dionne Accepting Life in the Minors DENVER — A couple of weeks before Adrian Dant ley began his cele- brated holdout after being traded from the Detroit Pistons to the Dallas Mavericks a transaction took place involving a superstar of another sport Marcel Dionne the scorer in NHL history hadn't been playing regularly with the New York Rangers The Rangers had been playing their younger players as well as Dionne's contemporary Guy Lafleur and were experiencing mild success ' orortt:-"'- '''' - Offti-b-rf- if 4- - third-leadin- '' '''''' ' ' ' ' ' ''': : tit Notes P1 - tot i gill Jobs Gutman a ' p 1' s''''' ' klho12:i "' 4at4i$70- 44444944 - ' $-- izi::::it:'::': ::::' ' - - -- - 1:: d'r:' ' 41”" " 4:t i mit iL ': '' ''' ' '''!u wewool ira ' t Dionne didn't complain to New president Phil Esposito He didn't demand to play or be traded He didn't demand the Rangers buy out his contract By all accounts he didn't even sulk Instead he asked to be sent to the Rangers' minor league affiliate in Denver The Rangers obliged Dionne who has scored 1770 NHL career points in his putting him behind only Gordie Howe e and Wayne Gretzky on the point list seems to be enjoying his first-eve- r visit to the minor leagues "If I'm not going to play there New York I might as well be down here" said Dionne prior to this weekend's Denver-Sal- t Lake games "I want to play my contract out If the New York Rangers can't use me next year there's always the possibility I'll be back here next year "I made the decision to continue playing I didn't want to be pushed into a corner and retire before I was ready A lot of people think I'm just staying in it for the money but that's not the only reason I'm a survivor I've got a contract and I'm going to play until it's completed "I wasn't playing in New York but I didn't argue with the coach or fire the puck at him in practice or any of that That's not the way I operate I've got loyalty I didn't say one word about not playing to Phil Esposito or anyone I did everything that was right" said the talkative Dionne Dionne has played in six games for Denver (prior to Saturday's game with the Eagles) and has not scored a goal He has seven assists and has a point in each of the last six games The short time in the minors has f 11 11 with the formula At age 37 and with a large contract it wasn't likely the Rangers could arrange a trade for Dionne So they benched him :" N" ":'' - (0 ' ''"' '2'': :: ' ' '' ' li Air 41 4144 t ''''"'''' '' ' :''' '' - --- 0''-- kztrj - ': - ' ft 1t) - 1 ri-- it- - r—----- f v York ' ' :" ' ''' '''1' ' ' '' :": t '''- - '' s i'1'''' '' ' 4 t — - 0 ::0 ''' - ::4 ' " kC g'?i:''::4 41 ' Illii been educational for Dionne "I've always been curious about r-league hockey" Dionne said "I always thought that only a few players were really working hard enough to make the NHL I can see now that isn't true These kids need to develop Some of them will grow four or five inches and put on pounds in a year or two They aren't done filling 20-3- 0 it takes two or three years for a player to develop I didn't have that I went right to Detroit from junior hockey when I was 20 years old I could have used some time in the minor leagues It took me four years to figure out what was expected 1 The future said he will use the experience in the minor "In basketball a kid is 22 or 23 0 L- : - AL laCimal 1101ra 45000 PAW NTW 30119 20911 P16580R13 2999 P1857SC114 P195 7SR14 3190 3199 3499 35 99 P20575814 3999 P215175R141 41399 41 99 MAW 2090 P20575R14 P21575R14 P20575R15 31419 P205 75R15 P215751115 3199 P22575R15 3409 P235 75F115 35011 nos P2151751415 P22575R15 P13575R15 P20575R15 p21575R1S P2257SR1S P23S75R1S vtA 40000 1135R13 17S70R13 ift5i7OR13 10570R14 19570Ri4 1S5SRI3 1666R13 I 7SSR14 185SR i 4 165SR1S 99 27 2940 185 195 44199 4299 WE 30 90 2990 3110 3299 3109 175707113 18510SRI3 70SR1 4 OSRI4 SIINR SIZE Stockwell 2410 2599 2090 3099 3099 i459113 35000 PRICE 1S5S1112 339e 1459113 1559113 1659413 175SR14 165SR14 165SR15 175 706R13 33119 All r 10 1 7570SR 3799 4319 4749 4599 Si VON PIO 4114 13 45000 9111 SP4 3799 3999 4049 4199 4191 4499 1216580R13 P175901113 P18560R i 3 118575RI4 P9575R14 4 ' cl !' 911Pr 11 1111 111 eeea P21575RI4 P70575R15 P21575RI5 4540 4799 4599 5199 $499 Et ulthrzoy P21575R t5' 71)HP13 7- its '41 s Sin 7 I 8 15A16 5 9 SOR 18 5 P215i p229i p225 P235i 70SR 14 70SR 14 70SA IS 7051415 P2SS 7ospis P205209414 99 1999 $e 99 19') 90HF115 74 205001491S 21560HRI 5 113 119 Iv - - ' liti- 1 - Ai::: 99 P27560S8 - 62 99 6549 P19575R14 P205 75P IV s ' '' 99 10699 1499 9699 7299 7499 15 SPon GT Snow Check Bonus Datenents ars not avalarse IO onncrpais or amployees of Poems InOustnes authortred Plans Orsorbutors or authonzed POWS deaterstsps MATS TM CV ': --I) e f IP rie : 17 - 1144 3IP PRICE 88 99 121 99 309 SORIS 311050R15 1312 SOWS 331250816 9499 9999 :' - 1- 415 P21 ? 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Oulttned Flamed White Lettere Itittrell211112" TRX RADIALS pi9670P14 4 1111111111 47- 41d 71Nfea7041111-- High 117 Neje Peeemetwati Sleet Belted Btectwall SIZE FiRCE P165 70R365 Si 99 71 99 P113565R366 nito?sso-K43999 14 20050VR390 119 99 99 99 22055P390 131 99 22055VR310 119n Performance SIZE ei MIL — : 4kryL iMUIPWWJMIllifUNIMIE EAGLE GT 22550V415 I'l7211 EP-- mon -- ee 2030 So 900 East Salt Lake City 466-- 6241 1 TRUCKS CAI:Clr'L LA 141-11111- -- - 1989 31 TUNE-A-MEDI- 6068 S Redwood Road Murray ' 19WV5 205SOVP 15 MICE 15551-11- 185 195 ' s' 10 ' ' rrn SWAINS INC 966-423- r 0 POLARIS : :: will OFFER EXPIRES MARCH Et2TH3 : ''' down payment reserve the 1990 Polars snowmobile of your choice Complete the purchase by October 15 1989 and your Polaris dealer will deduct your $200 cloivn payment plus a Snow Check Down Payment Bonus of an CILLtildd idi $200 from the suggested retail price et the time of delivety Polaris will guarantee availabty ot the model you choose In addition to the Snow Check Down Payment Bonus you will also qualify for any programs in effect at the time of delivery which are offered by Polaris or your Polaris dealer providing the purchase is completed by October 15 19897 Indy Classic a Indy 650 Indy 650 SKS 1441 9999 7199 9499 10109 m Sewn 3399 33W 111Si 7499 p215 75RIS 1999 P225 75R 5 11 979 P235 75RI5 )(24 Tread Design tallJOB F ji ': ettel ' SIZE ic 4 by March 31 1989 11-- XCH4 17c7oSfits 69 99 71 99 '5P115 P21)5 1 Steel Relied Muds °Maned Whde letiers 7649 - IA' Indy Sport Indy 'Rail Deluxe Indy Trail Indy SuperTrak Indy 400 Indy 500 Indy 500 SKS TRUCK 155SP I 2 t 45SR 13 i - to Illi 0149 6496 5799 P85R3 P185 ist114 : i: I - RADIAL MUD ROVER 31tIO5ORI3 104 99 3I111i 50R16 10799 33112 SOWS Neese odd 17 to 64 27 F E I cm some saes - Your $200 efri -- 99 99 63 99 69 99 11 1TAM Season Sleet Belted Outlined WNW Letters PRICE SIZE ri i - 099 P155050413 P1911'POP ti P175i8OP13 - - ''' - f' 4j All SORIS Starlak IndY HIGH PERFORMANCE 71 54 60SR15 P2S5 RV OS Sprint ES P18570P13 P18570Ri4 P19570Pt4 1 e Down Ptyment $200 Snow Chock Down Psymnt Bonus $200 Star 7- 6199 6399 0599 P21560SP15 11 ItIAT 1011 309 P1ease add 15 to SI 31 F ET On some SIZOS Thic - - 51199 60SP 4 P225 7599 L1215 11256i85R16 99911 1 P235 75R 15 PPICE 54 90 54 99 SIZE 5499 fe9 75R 15 9191 8490 1999 5OR 16 P22575815 PRICE 001 Pertareance Rased Mee leees 59 99 72 99 L121575RI5 99 IN IN III4 1121SASE118 17235851118 go v SIZE 5399 4E4" 6149 9599 9799 7299 1299 7999 P215751115 SIZE whnewait Season Steel Bested P195 70SEI 14 RADIAL ROVER PRICE 1171575R15 - :1 Steei Belled AS Seinen Hgtveisy Design (Mama PRICE Si 99 P17500813 PI8580813 818575814 P19575814 P20575Ri4 P20575815 1- - TRUCKS OFF ROAD & RV A SIZE 4 11111111111111EME11111MEMIEPIEMEMIIIIIMMIll 1 1990 POLARIS MODELS 5999 1399 V 'L: 1 Don't be disappointed—Guarantee yourself delivety on a new 1990 Polaris by reserving it now Plus save at least $2001 GT QUALIFIER 49 99 51 99 205 eK94R14 22590HP14 Wetle 1 2 Inch Whtlewell Lender! Ouenebes Sorry No Riencheckl DUNLOP RADIAL ROVER AP Alt th' ' 0 2055041414 2251014414 65960411 5 9560HR1 5 20510HR15 2166014115 XDUMNL Season Redoets 4499 60HR 14 -- SiZE Steel Betted Radials easeeelata All Whnewall 11 ' DuArmcce Ali 195904114 911 0409 6899 6699 P225 75R1V Olt 165m4411c 19570HP14 20S 70191 i 4 Ills Sass 66 Stet! Betted Radial - ' XA4 XH it-- - 17St 70H49 t3 195 Klee 17205 ?SPIV P2I'75E413 1 --- Snow Chcck S45719 1:11211414 I PoiraCHL11111 :r12JT:g 11:731"4:ww 9 rA HR4 6299 63 96 PnS7'RI4 - Htge Pertomence an Season Stoot Betted Radios Blackvall PRICE SIZE 4399 6999 P18579114 P1957R14 1: - GT QUALIFIER PRICE PleS801413 I At 11 EIATIL All Season so ono 8414e Steel Bolted Whiteman P15580R13 P18580013 P17580E40 1' ita it 4 ss 51114 IMPORT AMERICAN - !sx ic A - 91 9grt' 205101413 11510HP14 'ItA Se- N0 I HIGH PERFORMANCE AMERICAN SIZE dpalt illo lb P205 79314 P225 75R15 P235751415 111 1Allk PRICE I 40 000 Mile NTW Steel Belted Packets All Season Ellacawail SIZE PRICE 155SP12 3099 30 99 145SR13 10 99 155SR13 165SR13 3399 i 75SR 14 4099 185SR14 4299 165SR15 4099 16570SR13 3499 38 Oa 17570SR13 SS 99 1857osR13 42 99 185706R14 1957061414 4399 711091 WRITStliy P15580113 in I Mile SIZE WI1 r IkETW nt went 1$‘1111 Season 6 - I 206SSV911 4419 twee 185706R14 wirrosR14 I ' IMPORT Stool Belied Radtats Whitewsil god 1 1- OUESTOR S r::er'90i - 94 -k' k- C 99 13110 14491 22550W:15 11F1 Spe491 rated anis 012 1657015A13 - - 13 UNL OP Ail - - AMERICAN ' 4 41 Warreaty eletted M S001011 PPiCE 14560P14 I 4 — 0449141114 MiZil : 00 11w G000ll'EAR itingiiKigNFx 50000 Mee NIVi Olovraniy Steel Sokol SWIM Watrooty AN Season Steel Boiled Blackwall SIZE PRICE 21 09 155SRi2 42 99 - -41i- Oilers 5 Blues 3: At Edmonton Craig Simpson scored Oink TS771CS21 0440 NTIN I phousse scored the goal 'xith 108 left in the second period banging a shot past Minnesota goalie Jon Casey eight seconds after a power play expired and Ed Olczyk added an insurance goal with 9:20 remaining Alberta 4421144Nye"W Ontinental SPORT RADIAL 1999 2199 2499 2699 1591i3 4cirAlki-- 'a Maple Leafs 4 North Stars 2: At Bloomington Minn Vincent Dam- - ''' teehna 30 000 kele WertenN Steel Betted aleckwall PRICE SIZE Steei Belted SIZE 3690 3799 3009 4099 4299 : NTW Werrenty P17590R13 P16575414 P19675R14 P20575R14 P21575R14 At : Import Radials P16500R13 P105i644113 - wer ECONOMY All 29 2799 2393 five-gam- HIGH PERFORMANCE RADIAL i - 411 L- ho - - nedwis Whiterail PPICE 11192 P1SSSOR13 P165110413 3399 3499 P17580R13 1699 P185SOR13 37 29 P1857517414 30 99 P19575R14 P17580R13 - ' 01111 techno Season Season Radials 1215500R13 e Montreal ended Buffalo's winning streak Chris Chelios and Claude Lemieux also scored for the Cznadierts and goaltender Patrick Roy remained undefeated at the Forum this season with 19 victories and two ties -- 44 IMPORT RADIALS 411"mit— 7 - - ' ilitr4" - I'''' IIIW--' ii Mae Warranty Bleal Salted Radmis Wnaevrall SIZE PRICE lilt Canadiens 8 Sabres I: At Montreal Stephane Richer and Russ Courtnall each scored twice as 104: opEN SUNDAYS! EIOIN I three goals as Edmonton handed St Louis a team record-tyinseventh straight loss The victory moved the Oilers into second place in the Smythe Division one point ahead of Los Angeles into second place in the Smythe Division D-- participond c leagues to help the Rangers' 40009 35000 Mae Warranty Sleet Bolted Wheewall SIZE PRCE P1551806113 ream P1651101113 Continued From New York Rangers moved hack into first place in the Patrick Division one point ahead of Pittsburgh la: 6-- of me" PREMIUM AN Pboto goxt out "I really think M illb Istritt ECONOMY Steel Belted Radials i' : :?::: : '&40 4 years old before he turns pro In hockey many of them come out at 18 years old They are thrown into situations that they may not be ready for Some of them are traded — the teams give up on them — before they are 22 years old They need time to develop A player who i s 24 or 25 is still reach' ing his pote fiat Often ' if a guy a e been in the minor leagutwo system years h e' s year The teams give up "Another thing I see happening i s that scouts automatically think that if a guy is he can't play And if a guy is 5 even if he can't niny r 7' ' th ey lc go with him That's the thinking now? ard it's not right" he said Dionne is Dionne will likely stay in Denver until March I and either be called back up to New York or put on waivers If no other team claims him be or may bench for New York Next year is the mino- 611114Iiii11"P' St g: —Fi - - '4 i 0 :As:4144 49100!' When it became clear that Marcel Dionne didn't figure into Rangers' future he asked to play for 111E4 affiliate in Denver N" 4In '' : RADIALS FOR AMERICAN CARS mvststw0000sog J'414' ir D9 Slut Out Hawks Tings Stay or GO!: Seventy-fou- r percent of Canadians believe hockey would be more entertaining if it was less violent according to a poll conducted by The Sports Network But 77 percent of those surveyed said they would still encourage their children to play hockey Among those who would discourage their children from playing 40 percent stated that "excessive violence" was the reason NHL coaches are opposed to banning fighting from games by a slight majority Ten of 19 coaches surveyed by the Associated Press said they opposed a ban on fighting e: Around the Denver's Mark Janssens who sustained a serious head injury in a December altercation with Salt Lake's Martin Simard is expected to be returning to the Rangers' lineup in the next two weeks He is already skating with the team but has not yet had much contact on the we When Janssens returns the Eagles and Rangers will try to convince IHL Commissioner Bud Poile to set aside his suspension of the two players for the four remaining Denver-Sal- t Lake The Eagles are averaging games 5164 fans per home date Eagle owner Art Teece said this year's projections were for 5000 per game The average may reach 5400 if the last nine home games are well attended Teece said But only two of the last nine home games will be played on a or '' the largest crowds '' tkv' NatiortatfireWholesale ' ''''' ':ks' ':' Sunday February 26 1989 t I -- last year of his contract "I know the Rangers can't use me now" said Dionne I'd like to be able to help another team It really doesn't matter to me at this point what sweater I'm wearing I remember Curt Flood saying no way was he going to go to San Francisco He wanted a say in where he would play I've never felt that way" For now Dionne is keeping himself in shape maintaining a good attitude and playing the elder statesman in the locker room at Denver "I can identify with the young play ers advise them about what the NHL is like and maybe help them avoid some mistakes I tell them to put some money away every year so maybe after hockey they'll have something "It's more intense in New York Here Denver) it's more relaxed almost like back to junior hockey where the guys all they're talking about is girls and cars" Dionne said Not that playing in Denver has been devoid of pressure "I talked with my daughter the other night and she asked if I'd scored a goal here yet She said 'Daddy you've got to score a goal' She's putting the heat on me" Dionne said with a laugh It may be the first and last time Dionne will feel the pressure to score a goal ' -" '4" -- ' 4A--i 't ' i: 4:: '' v - "::--- eitieit 3('-' - - 't it) t P'4 y ps4 -:!: 1 The Salt Lake Tribune E '' - 1 NationalTireVirAesale 091C0 hi Xc owlet ' ' - 0 1 till?) Perfomt TwesByIW ii s 4'-- II 11 -- ft - 441 " 41114 0441 AL 41k At "A0 AA" As 4114144 411 ot it&14 A iss A A A A A Ak A A ALA A ALS A A lk A AA 4k ilk A Ak" A A A-- asAli is As An As As A AR se AA AS is" As As AR ow As Ay " Amosg t AI 44'4 OS INIt 44 AO 4114 ' Alt 4'4 14 At Alt AL Alt " 414 A- 41401k ilk " 49 a a A0:7 |