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" Design gig 4- sr 1 ty 1 1 gm goo um oil ow Am :Ime : Well assist you with creative design ideastocremodeitne wittan your budget Choose from a wide range° cabinet styles and finishes plus countertops appliances lighting window treatments and wait and floor coverings Those successes include bringing a Salt Lake Community College class- e es to the city and stabilizing a rocky e The BLACK GOOSE t 11 t ' - t 11 1 lems "I was really disappointed when the 'road) bond failed" he said ' i V am' ion mil nen állo 26 on 1 V i' i NI A 1' inn-11- ' -- "They (Mutual Materials( contacted me right after it failed and they caught me at a weak moment" Mr Cahoon and the council were successful in solving a number of governmental and residential prob- failure - 4 titg I ' ijv 1111111104tastaittooltolottomit 4 road bond and a "backward attitude among city residents weighed in his decision to leave but Mr Cahoon said his council stay was not a toKm10000 la ellmonsb raettligm e I 1 Failure of the city's $57 million ' 11 A :$2000 --itimm---- 1 -- - tion said while UDOT has no money' i set aside at this time for US 89 the agency is prepared to start immedi- i ately on an environmental impact i study and start engineering prelirni-- 1 i naries on a new interchange at Hill' Field Road and US 89 when the proposal is accepted by the state The Hill Field interchange has I been determined to be the highest! priority for improvement The expressway proposal has to gain the endorsement of cities along l the route as well as the Wasatch Front Regional County and UDOT before any work is to begin week - el 1 ' u ' ) 111vz©7 - - rillawearbliiernt: oPtiiiii--- : gin accepting applications next ' II1 eve - 1 - sad 89 "They didn't look at the cost of acquiring frontage road property' noise and airpoDution putting more and the possibility of a traffic on light rail system through the coun- l' 1 ty" said the mayor The mayor said he is also cond a cerned about the trying to solve immediate problems as well as develop: 7 ing political advocacy for obtaining! financing for any future improvements 7 Special to The Tribune WEST JORDAN — Councilman Harvey Cahoon has resigned to accept a job with a brick manufacturer in Bellevue Wash He will officially step down after the councils March 7 executive work session He was currently serving the term second year of his four-yea- r The council is required to choose a new member withLs 30 days of the resignation Mayor Kristin Lambert said the council will mostly likely be- - 1 en "mil I t'lio I IIL t e- : - '! t ii' fiko- grawI 111r3tt4 ' Councilman Leaving W Jordan ' 1 I ' e ' IN tt ee 1 1 the US 12-mi- ' I I !III r- esi 1111111111: e stretch of The four-lan- e road has a fatality rate four times as high as similar roads in the state increased population mnwthl:)fficiala say the highway along with T access points have created most of the danger The consultant firm looked at three alternatives: traffic signals expressway and freeway Doug flattery a spokesman for the Wasatch Front Regional Council which helped administer the study said traffic lights were ruled out because traffic is expected to double in the next 20 years and lights would cause slowdowns and back up traffic He said the freeway idea was too expensive and the state is already looking at a west Davis freeway The expressway would have six interchanges allowing cross traffic as access there well as north-sout- h would be center barriers along the road to eliminate left turns and there would be a series of frontage roads to route traffic to access points The speed on the road would remain 55 mph The expressway plan would cost ' Ir ea 1 HOilliE 111 gP tl OVEIIIIENITS 1IEPPS -1 mind I around $83 minion and take 20 years to complete Several citizens and some city officials at the hearing said they thought ' it would be better to take steps to i slow traffic on the road and encourage travelers to use Many citizens at several recent to called for be hearings something done soon or in the interim to im- e improve safety while long-rangprovements take place But officials point out that there is no money set aside at this time for working on the highway so only limited improvements such as improved J street signs and turn lanes can be installed Mayor McKenzie said the study never really looked at alternatives but focused only how to improve ture : est v a -''' 1 wok a performed by framed contractors when rewired Utah Conirscions license (0121115 i Layton Mayor Says US 89 Should Be an Expressway 3 7- 1 ORKSHOPS d t - 1a AN i John E Brockert 1989 St Patrick's Day Parade grand mar altal invites Utahns to have fun with the Irish March 11 : 001-f'- - saa wel141 go c TARE4 rr '4 4IT ' ice 0 17 ' : Itoolc7-77'NeZ-':"-::- Special to The Tribune LAYTON — Layton Mayor Richard McKenzie said he will seek city council endorsement of a position paper outlining the city's stand on a propoaal to make US 89 from Farmington to Ogden a limited expressway The mayor told the council and a troup of citizens at a public hearing last week be has some major concerns about the proposal However the mayor did say be highway trafthought the fic study had some good data in it The 890000 study was recently completed at the request of the Davis County Council of Governments in order to look at improving safety and preparing the road for the fu- ' east sess e ie 'A ' 1'q1i t k 1 ow taw sese seteasieetse Os' 1 A'"-1"4 :4 :!11 - ' - a- 4 17'1 '' i ' --Ao' e e i&- p : e4 esA '" eete e 4 -- r) s' - i s e I:1':-'- ess "4:--s- - eit- e '''" vi Pho toNo Mail The Hibernian Society 3195 Yosemite Dr Sett Lake City Utah 84109 ' ' The llth annual Salt Lake City parade is sponsored by the Hibernian Society Hibernia was the ancient name given to Ireland by the Romans explained parade John Welsh The parade will begin at the intersection of Main Street and South Temple and proceed down Main to 500 South where it will disband Awards will be presented to the best entries While this is the Ilth annual pa-- bwhvidual Roapoosible for Entoy ee cilre"ea ' for the blab (and their come together imd have Grand Marshal Brockert - - 4 sa9Braioc:ertsa intet of decoration: ' 42te' - 'f :i 4 9 e den and John Stockton of the Utah Eleven years ago the Grand Marshal of the first sanctioned St Patrick's Day Parade was Salt Lake Tribune's sports editor John Mooney Jan must be submitted by Group (Please Specify) No of Indivockatts in Entry Brief description of entry andor s li 211044' '''' Ayquestrumntoque 0 Family Group 0 Other ''11el' 40:C -- Eland Organization 0 0 Individual Walking Vehicle Deorirated 0 ti)''! 4os- - ' -- ' ' el ' 7 -'-' 7 1 1F 04' ' ' - - '-- f - re 1-- -e : ' 7 orP' P rade St Patrick's Day Parades were regular events in some parts of the Salt Lake Valley beginning in the 1880s Mr Welsh said Recent Si Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshals Include Frank Lay- - Anyone with Insh blood imagined or otherwise is invited to join in the St Patrick's Day Parade down Main Street in Salt Lake City March 11 at Grand Marshal John E Type of Entry: Flute Qt' f -- 1 - Irish for a Day? March in St Patrick's Parade Name of Kntry 4 B1 1 The Salt Lake Tribune Sunday February 28 1989 PkRADE DAY 'I' t t ! i tI AP Skotb AkAA &Al1 0014 " Alsk AckfikAti—elh 1! 604Pkvelk 104ek -- 1S11Vfot " "4411" "" I Alit avi 11 oL A--A AA A-41- 1 A 4 A AAALA44 0 okAL |