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Show DUP Slate Mission Camp Films In Cedar Saturday The public is reminded of the free presentation of the beautifully beautiful-ly colored sound film "Sego Lilies" Lil-ies" on Saturday, May 2. The showing is under the sponsorship of the St. George and Cedar City camps of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. The film was produced in colorful color-ful Dixie and will go on nation- v IUC HIO lSiUll I'll inuiiuaj , iiiaj 4. It is a story of the famed Dixie Mission of early pioneer days. there will also be live talent entertainment and everyone who attonds is assured of a very pleasant plea-sant evening of entertainment. Following the showing of the film guests will have time to en-. en-. ' r square dancing at the Second Sec-ond ward recreation halt. |