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Show What Newspapers around the country say about Jim Bond's great Alaska-Yukon Alaska-Yukon wildlife motion picture program: Salt Lake Tribune: "Don't let anything keep you from seeing these great pictures". New York World Telegram and Sun: "The finest wildlife motion picture ever to come out of the North." Los Angeles Examiner: "Don't miss them. They are ! the best ever to come to the Southland." Tacoma Daily Tribune: "The full house of the first night was merely the vanguard of the stampede to follow. The second night saw the large auditorium full, with hundreds turned away:" ' "SEE 4000 FEET OF THE FINEST ALL-COLOR WILDLIFE MOTION PICTURES IN AMERICA," say 400,000 other people in 20 states who have seen this close-to-nature two-hour show. Cedar City Wildlife Federation Proudly I Presents: : raa bsed aJ ffi&fi-ro (fen Cft-xiffiT TIT? PlTTnTrTT UlLIAjJUULaJ LJ lK AJLRJrJ THREE GREAT WILDERNESS FILMS I THOSE KODIAK BEAR . . . Want to see 49 great ' Kodiak Bear parade before the camera in unforget- ' able action? Want to get that "Brush of Death" feel- ! ing? This picture proves conclusively that Jim Bond is the most courageous wildlife photographer on the continent. : ALASKA'S LEAPING RAINBOWS . . . Taken on the ; Alaskan Peninsula more than 300 miles from the clos- ' est highway. You'll see 10-pound rainbows doing some 1 unbelievable aerial acrobatics right in front of your ; eyes as they fight away at 41u-ounce rods and three- ; pound test leaders. You'll leave the auditorium saying ! "How in the world were those picture taken?" ! YUKON WILDERNESS WONDERLAND . . . 75-day trip made by Jim Bond and an old Indian in the rugged rug-ged McKenzie Mountains of the Eastern Yukon Territory. Ter-ritory. Pack dogs used. Great game country for tremendous tre-mendous moose, caribou, grizzly bear, white sheep. TWO NIGHTS ONLY PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Monday, May II -8 p.m. B A C AUDITORIUM Tuesday, IVIay 12-8 p.m. : Admission: Adults, 90c - Children, 65c Including Taxes TICKETS AT Thornion Coffee Shop Cowley Drug Store ; Bg Sure to Get Jim Bond's Two Great ' Outdoor Books: THE RIFLEMAN IN ALASKA EA. Just off the press. Jim Bond re- on ; counts his experience in the wilder- 2p 0 25 i ness. Complete with 48 of his ex- fl cellent pictures. : AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE TROPHY TRO-PHY What is America's most de- 2otl1 or 'i sired trophy? Jim Bond will tell. Complete with exciting stores and ifiy)JJ 45 full page pictures, at the JIM L BOND SHOW. ! i A l Your I y .$ n utah ih I POUlTRYg i Sayu 5 u TRUMAN ROLLINS 3 P Do you heed spring supplies? K U n a. Co you want the beit, the 2 p 5 v richest, the finest mash lor in to u your chicks? J a Do you want the highest "I u. W 2 possible return from your 5 m t. eggs, poultry and turkeys? u J If you do. come in and set q us. We'd like to be of ter- s SHORT OF CASH? FIGURE OUT HOW MUCH YOU NEED. then . . . SEE US FOR A LOAN Monthly Repayment Prompt Service COME IN OR PHONE I INTERMOUNTAIN Finance & Thrift Co. 56 North Main Street Cedar City. Utah. TeL 113 Reed Berrett, Manager hi Mi Save 10 cn floor waxes lj I ' 'Hvrin9 May and June ( l Yf i fjlu "Jh Here's your chance to get a ! i feSSrvii Wl yeaf's supply (or more) of jj 1 tTj ., - these floor beautifiers and j jj ? l 1 -A I TLtR preservatives at 10 off the -;, M ; ' 'li 'luL rlv price! But act fast! To 1 1 ' V ' ' tJb Wt the discount, delivery must : ' t 1 iM trtT be taken before June 30th. PS2Ts! Standard Self-Polishing HV J t! Sp"'"r Wax-with no rubbing or j j .'A XmmVtnknrS buffing giveS a tough lus" k ' HI I (STAnUARD trous film that resists wear. J ; pjjj J Standard Wax Floor ti ll) ft ii0 Spray combines the seal- ' ( lilt ing qualities of floor wax with dust-controlling jM I 11 1 advantages of oil-type polish. j nlyi Standard Floor Hardener lengthens floor Km I e bv Penetrating pores, providing a tough, ! jj iH long-wearing coat. Actually hardens softwood. I ( V I for more information about Standard Oil Company of California products, call your local Standard man GLEN IIEATON ,470 NORTH 100 WEST TELEPHONE 977 & 978 CEDAR CITY. UTAH rV-'r'vr'lliiMirBinrJwiyitlirt 1 -''-'''yl You're paying for top quality V; V' A whiskey.. .are you p-j J 'J getting it? A , T 1 . ' - -pox ' - "Vv ) m - v f iMpRijoF V . f 1 .. - mi; i,;iey .I mi. m.M' !, i .,, J v k IF It! DOUBT... F1IIP QUTLX I Next time try Glenmore. Its tasty, uniform high quality .rrr'. II leaves no doubt that you have finally found the finest y of all Kentucky straight bourbons. Prove it to yourself 4. w tonight take home a bottle r V 7k vlenpre Vf KENTUCKY : m k I, STRAIGHT fori rn nnTTsrn n3 " KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON N- GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY LOUISVILLE, KY, ni; ' 1 1 |