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Show BAC Baseball Team Drops Second League Game to Snow The Branch Agricultural college col-lege baseball team divided two games last week, end, winning from the Carbon Eagles at Price 14 to 12, and losing to the Snow Badgers at Ephraim 6 to 3. The loss to Snow was the second of the season for the Broncos, both to Coach Jim Williams' team. With Bud Fullmer unable to work because of a sprained ankle, an-kle, Coach Geo Petty sent Tom Sterling to the mound against the Eagles in the opening game, and he got by .quite well for seven se-ven Innings, after which Reese Naegle came In to finish out the game. The Broncos were in the lead most of the time, but the determined Eagles refused to give up and made a game of it to the end. Naegle did the pitching against Snow and did a good job of it. However, the Broncos had a bad day at bat, and just couldn't could-n't come through with hits when they were needed. They als-1 committed com-mitted a few costly fielding errors er-rors that added to the Badger's score. The Eroncos have one more game to play this season, against the Dixie Rebels on the Cedar diamond. The date has not been definitely set, but it Is expected that it will be played early next week. |