Show Daycare at 4 UTe By Lila Bosch There are many students at who have one problem in common that is is' daycare for their children This article will try to cover the idea of a daycare center at and the problems involved The idea of a daycare center for student use has been kicking around for several years Several Several Several Sev Sev- eral people working with the Women's Resource Center have been doing research on the idea Alice Smith a counselor who has done a considerable amount of research on the project feels that a daycare center is a necessity necessity necessity sity because it would allow parents parents parents par par- to attend school without the S usual hassle of finding a sitter or dropping the kids off at an out of I Ithe the way center The idea behind a center here is to eliminate such problems for some parents attending Utah Tech Theres There's alot involved in the process of opening and maintaining maintaining maintaining main main- a daycare center The main problem facing us is lack of funds We need funds to purchase ase the land and There are federal funds available available available ble for this but the problem is what funds and are we eligible to receive them The next main problem would be meeting State Board of Health requirements The rhe State Board Health requirements re re- are watched carefully carefully carefully care care- fully and in order to have a building suitable to their regulations regulations regulations regu regu- lations we would need to build one to their specifications or do a considerable amount of eling Either way its it's going to WHAT'S j A 1 J Ji MOT MOTHER HER HERTO i TO DO d hz 0 I 4 1 h c Tech II vA T cost a large sum of money In an interview with President President President dent Nelson on th the subject he feels that the two basic reasons it doesn't seem feasible to operate operate operate oper oper- ate a daycare center for are that we simply do not have enough revenue and space available available available av av- to do so Another reason is he feels it would be duplicating ing the purpose of agencies such as Welfare and Rehab where in inmany inmany inmany many cases they provide daycare daycare daycare day- day care funds or facilities for parents parents parents par par- going to school He said In UIn order to justify the expenditure we have to justify the need of a daycare center If that could be m no done then it would get the ball moving towards processing the papers to present to the State Congress asking for additional funds It seems like the odds are against us in obtaining a daycare daycare daycare day- day care center Possibly with some additional evidence of the need for a daycare center the day may come when construction can begin Students attending presently may not be able to make use of the facility but future students will be able to enjoy good accessible daycare for their children |