Show t F teacher KAY KA Y SOLOMON Kay this months month's teacher of the month is the newest addition addition addition ad ad- to the commercial art x staff Some of her past experiences a have been a fashion artist for l H and Castleton's in in Salt Lake City and at Macys Macy's in San t Francisco California She t thas has also illustrated a book Ii i. i l' l that is hot off the presses I- I entitled Cutting up in the Kitchen Kay has a home in Salt Lake City and also a sailboat in San Rafael California which she has lived on for four years In the near future she plans to sail around the world Kay was chosen teacher of the month because of the vast amount of time patience and effort she has contributed in making Points West Ve t a reality and a success Im teaching experience at Utah Tech As Kay stated enjoying my Teaching Art and Communications the newspaper is exciting and challenging A challenge made easier by the friendliness and cooperation cooperation cooperation coop coop- of the students teaching associates and school personnel by Chele Johnson |