Show Goals Keith Hortin Horon As I was contemplating my assignment for the first article of 1976 I had as a journalist usually does many good ideas going through my mind I finally decided to write about goals because the first of the year especially most people make new year resolutions or goals for forthe forthe forthe the coming year The following story will impress how important goals are It was a stormy night in the English Channel A shrill wind dashed high waves against the sides of a small craft which bobbed on the choppy waters Now and then one could discern a swimmer re-enacting re the great epic drama of the many who aspired to conquer the English English English Eng Eng- lish Channel Florence Chad had trained rigorously and long for this feat She had been successful in even more difficult endurance tests but in the murky night she tossed in her victors victor's cap when only a few hundred feet remained between her and the shore The next day the United Press interviewed her on the swim and asked the question In view of your past accomplishments what single factor contributed most to your failure to swim the Channel Her response was quick she said It was foggy and dark I lost sight of my tive Those who have experienced the waves and storms of life which beat against the foundations foundations foundations of the soul know the challenges of the mist of the dark It entices us to change our interests and to part with a cherished goal in exchange for a glimmer on the horizon that appeals at the moment A great secret of achievement involves removing the mist of darkness and focusing all our thoughts on our objectives A goal that I have set as a journalist is to write articles on various subjects including religion religion religion reli reli- gion with a lot of stimulating thoughts and ideas How about some of your goals now I |