Show Were We're Your Kind of People r rCharles rs r. r s Charles Hansen The Placement Center is lo located located located lo- lo at the west end of the student student student stu stu- stu- stu dent services area or as you come in the west doors of the Nelson Administration Building Building Building Build Build- ing it is to your immediate right front When your schedule permits permits permits per per- mits drop in and become acquainted acquainted acquainted ac ac- ac- ac with Mrs Lorraine assistant and Mr 1 Charles Hansen Placement Counselor at Utah Tech If you are looking for a part time job we might be able to help you or suggest something or to urge you to keep your eye on the bulletin bulletin bulletin bul bul- letin boards for announcements When the time comes that you are in the market for full time work in your particular specialty specialty specialty or field it would pay you to check with the Placement Center to see what is available Be sure to register with the Center by filling out a Personal Data Form particularly before graduating from the Utah Tech You are urged to maintain contact contact contact con con- tact wi with th the College in the future future future fu fu- fu- fu ture following graduation and should you be between jobs sometime please get in touch with us there may be something something something some some- thing of interest for you Along this line we like the Utah Tech alumni Association are very much desirous of knowing about any change of address phone number or change of status such as getting married entering entering entering enter enter- ing the service etc In case we do some telephone calling to contact contact contact con con- tact you it surely is more encouraging encouraging encouraging en en- to eliminate the familiar click that means a recorded recorded recorded re re- re- re corded voice will be next on the line From time to time the College College College Col Col- lege has recruiters who come on campus to interview prospective employees They may be local companies or organizations possibly from elsewhere in the state or from out of state Your particular department will be notified in sufficient time for you to make arrangements for interviews At times the Placement Center has been able to help students find a place to live while attending Utah Tech We Ve welcome you to come in and see what we might have and also to solicit your help in case you know of places that are available available available ble for student housing Our product in the Placement Placement Placement Place Place- ment Center is service and we desire to be of such to the students students students stu stu- dents and alumni of Utah Tech Should you have any suggestions suggestions suggestions for the betterment of Placement we welcome them We Ve wish you a great year in inthis inthis inthis this centennial Bi-centennial of 1976 Please turn to 10 Page 3 Were We're Your Kind of People Com Cont o from m Page 1 l 7 Larry Christensen Dean of Students The Dean Of Students Office is open Mond Monday y through Friday from am a.m. until pm p.m. to assist students who may have questions or problems concerning concerning concerning concern concern- ing admission career selection program planning aptitude and interest testing and also entrance entrance entrance ance testing Personal counseling is also available available available av av- to a limited extent extant We will attempt to either solve personal personal personal per per- problems that may interfere interfere interfere inter inter- fere with schooling or refer students students students stu stu- dents to agencies who specialize in therapeutic counseling The New Dean of Students s is S Larry R. R Christensen Larry has a M Mh I h li a aBill Bill Fowler Assistant Dean of Students been an Admissions Counselor for the previous five years here at Utah Tech He worked with the Salt Lake County Juvenile Court System prior to joining the staff at the college He is married and has three children Larry Has a Masters Master's degree from Brigham Young sity He is a native of Orem Utah The new Assistant Dean of Students Students Students Stu Stu- dents is Bill Fowler He is a native native native na na- tive of Lehi Utah and has a q Masters Master's degree from the University University University Uni Uni- of Utah He is married and has three children Bill worked for th the University of Utah for five years before joining joining joining join join- ing the stall staff The Office of Veterans Affairs is geared to provide a variety of services to the veteran population attending In addition to veterans many other students qualify for our services since they are dependents of deceased or disabled veterans Our main roles are to Supervise processing of all necessary paperwork to insure veterans veterans veterans vete vete- rans receive prompt and accurate benefit payments veterans matters as they relate to admissions registration registration registration re re- financial aids and other administrative sections Aid veterans in resolving individual matters with instructors and departments Increase awareness of tutoring monies available to veterans Provide a referral service for the veteran to appropriate sources to meet his various expressed needs for personal counseling and employment and housing information The majority of our funding comes from federal sources Our federal funds a are e based on our veteran enrollment Our intention is isto isto isto to aid the veteran in the many facets of his student life L L L Ii Mw j- j 7 F lC r r ro r r x 4 y i l f a tl r dt John Matheson s Alice Smith Alice B. B Smith is located in room in the Dean of Students Office Alice provides counseling counseling counseling counsel counsel- ing for the students on Utah Technical Colleges College's campus in inthe inthe inthe the areas of Admissions V Vocational Vocational Voca Voca- oca- oca Counseling and Personal and Career Development Many of the students who are sponsored sponsored sponsored spon spon- by agencies such as WIN Work Incentive Program Vocational Vocational Vocational Voc Voc- Rehabilitation CETA Comprehensive Employment Training Act and Educational Talent Search are referred to Alice The Financial Aids Office is isa isa isa a student service oriented area Our goal is to assist students to use what funds are available to cover their educational costs Educational costs cover tuition fees books supplies room board clothing transportation and personal expenses There are set amounts for each of these items so the budgets are not based on what a student spends but rather on what he could get by with Funds come from the Federal Government the State of Utah and from private donors All of them are based on financial need except for scholarships scholarships scholarships scho scho- and tuition waivers which are based on grades The Financial Aids Office also handles the Work Study program where students can work on a time part basis to assist assist assist as as- themselves financially We are located in the center of the student services in the Nelson Administration Building Building Building Build Build- ing Room i iff 2 1 u Iris Roach |