Show A BENEFIT FOR THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY THE MI DANCERS' DANCERS 0 presents in Dance the Mood Starring Roman Bert AT Granite Park Junior High School Auditorium Au ito ium East South Salt Lake City Utah Friday Februarys February 8 6 8 1976 p. p pm p.m. m. m Adults Children For more information call Dodie at NOW OPEN IN GRANGER III at 1 Pizza is only the beginning at Italian Italia Village 4 r FOR LUNCHES AND DINNERS SPECIALTY SANDWICHES TIL 4 pm p.m. Jk TAKE DINING HOME HOMEI Monday Thursday 11 a.m. Midnight Friday 11 a.m. 1 am a.m. Saturday 2 p.m. 1 am a.m. I f Sunday 2 p.m. 11 pm p.m. E ci AL AN VILLAGE No 1 t South State Street Salt Lake City Utah 21 ITALIAN VILLAGE No 2 r h East South Salt Lake City Utah 1992 7 1 ITALIAN VILLAGE No 3 r 50 41 South East 0 Murray Utah 0 2200 West So Granger 1842 TAKE S NOTICE Classified Ads Hey You Guys If youre you're interested in serving on a J bicentennial sub sub committee or if you have any ideas on such activities leave your name and phone number in the College Center offices Attention Staff or Faculty Home for sale One block South of Campus Four bedroom new carpet and drapes Call Ralph Bown or see in Math Dept Wanted Members for the I International Club Qualifications Qualifications Qualifications interested in different countries or lived in other countries countries coun coun- tries especially foreign students students students stu stu- dents veterans immigrants returned missionaries etc You will be paid abundantly in knowledge friendship and understanding understanding understanding un un- by organizing and participating in seminars talks movies dinners bazaars etc For information contact Taufiq Usman i J ints jf EDITORIAL VP V.P. PUBLICATIONS Cynthia East EDITOR Chele Johnson ASSISTANT EDITOR Robert Roben Noyce WRITERS WRITER S Chris Wentworth Keith Norton Horton I Dani Harmon Jeff MacKay Steve Ashby Rob Robertson Robenson Ll Lila a Bosch Rick Highland Bill Komlos Linn Jenson TYPISTS Ivy Christenson Fran Manson BUSINESS GRAPHIC DESIGN MANA MANAGER GER John Kleineberg ART DIRECTOR Marnee Barton Banon GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Judy Barton Banon Steve Ashby Dave Fullmer Lyman Zobell Robert Roben Noyce Lyle yle Barton Banon CARTOONISTS CARTOON Robert Roben Noyce Orletta Kunz PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOGRAPHER'S Charlie Johnson Dave Fullmer Tom McWhorter Tim Wyatt Annette Jensen PRINTERS A m Bi-m monthly Bi-monthly Publication of the Std Students of Utah Tech Associated Students of the Printing Priming Department Utah Technical College ADVISORS at Salt Lake Kay Solomon Ron Ollis is Curt Cun Smout |