Show International n erne Bona Bonau BonaBy Club ClubBy u By Taufiq U Usman Proposed aims of International Club To bring the International students attending on a single platform To present the culture of various various vari vari- ous o ous s by organizing seminars presenting talks movies International nights dinners etc To develop friendship love and understanding among the students of various countries To help International students find housing transportation etc To find host families for international international international inter inter- national students To strive towards greater understanding understanding understanding un un- between American Ameri Ameri- can and International stu stu- dents To get International students more involved in the college activities by encouraging greater greater greater gre gre- ater participation in various clubs To provide hand first information information information tion various on countries to interested interested interested in in- persons To get persons in inin inin different indifferent in countries involved in the club Join the International Club and look beyond the horizon Call Taufiq Usman for further information Were We're glad to have Wild Bill Walker a very fine electronics instructor instructor in in- back with us so soon after his tragic cycle accident Thanks for being here and maintaining classes that would have otherwise been cancelled including several majoring courses How to HANG TOUGH Youre You're a good man |