Show J 11 Letters Lett rs and Answers This letter is actuated and opinionated I am writing this letter in regards to Sincere Beavers by Chris Wentworth First off how could there be any vast forest a long long time ago if there was no dirt as stated in paragraph one Dirt is the life giving miracle to all plants and with plants we get animals that's how it started Second is Chris called North American Beavers North American Wood piling beavers In such a case the name of anything should be capitalized Why wasn't good ole Beaver capitalized Last but not least it is noted in paragraph two last sentence Beavers eat wood I Any book on beavers will clearly state that Beavers eat the bark of certain trees not the wood itself Couldn't you imagine a beaver making his home in the petrified forest I think this matter should be cleared up and understood I outa know Ive I've seen a alot alot alot lot of Beavers Signed Grayden Kemp Thanks for your expertise I Chris Wentworth |