Show To oe the Dumps um s By Jeff Mackay This is supposed to be a review review re re- view of Stephen Stills but lets face it Flo Flo and Eddi and the Turtles third bill opening act was by far the best entertainment entertainment entertainment entertain entertain- ment offered that night at the SEC Happy Together hasn't lost last any momentum over the years for these bozos Perhaps Stephen Stills has begun to believe believe believe be be- lieve in inthe the myth that surrounds him or maybe hes he's just getting lazy For how else can one explain exp exp- lain the presentation of his act at the SEC compared with either of his earlier bands Buffalo Springfield Y Not that he was having a bad night because he Even Evenin in spite of a sprained wrist he played very well Rather he was the only positive tying happening happening happening happen happen- ing on stage and it was nearly impossible to isolate and enjoy just him amidst the confusion on all sides His talent simply could not compensate for the beer- beer tavern atmosphere established by his sidemen The first hint of trouble came with a disappointingly junky version of Wooden Ships that triggered an exodus of some older patrons He seemed to regain regain regain re re- gain his balance with a brilliant solo set that introduced introduced introduced intro intro- on new song bound to be his best But by the time things were electric again people were leaving in droves There are better better better bet bet- ter bands practicing in basements basements basements base base- ments all over the country and Stephen Sills should look them up Because the one he brought with him to Salt Lake City belongs belongs belongs be be- longs at the city dump |