Show I 1 SOME instructions TO LOAN associations the federal land bank of berkley calif has sent out the following bulletin which will ba of interest to prospective borrowers through a nati national onal farm loan association the amount of our closed loans is rapidly approaching the mark the figures today are a trifle over our total output january however is going to be somewhat smaller than usual for the reason that we are encountering all sorts of delays on account ol of f the disastrous per valence of the tha spanish influenza in almost every part of this district we are short of help in the bank many officers of association have been confined to their beds and it has been difficult to get return of documents necessary for the closing of loans in this district I 1 believe we nye may well consider that our borrowers are saving on an average of 2 per annum on the amount of their loans based on of loans means an annual saving to the farmer in in the eleventh district of a year and when we consider that on account of this system other loan agencies have been compelled to reduce their rates and commissions we can well figure that directly and in indirectly there is an anual saving of at least leaff double that amount when this saving to the farmers all over the country is is contemplated tem plated to say nothing 0 of f 1 the advantages of long time loans and the banishing of the nightmare of 3 year renewals one begins to realize what a real concrete and hel helpful p ful agency this his system is in this bulletin I 1 desire to address myself particularly to the secretary treasurers under date of october 19 1918 secretary A W hendrick sen sent t out a letter requesting that the rul ing ng with regard to filling out ap be more strictly observed i 1 e that every question should be ansh answered vered plainly and definitely of late we have received applications which do not even contain the description of the property or any reference to it in other cases no supplemental irrigation and drainage report form has accompanied the applications where it was vital for their ton consideration sider that such report be submitted these omissions which could easily be corrected in every case by the secretary treasurer subject the bank to a tremendous amount of correspondence an and d much delay in thus occasion occasioned in the consideration of applications cat ions it would relieve us and facilitate the work in the bank if secretary treasurers would fully operate cooperate co with us in such matters another practice on the part of a few secre secretary tary treasurers which has interfered with the tha intelligent assignment of our appraisers is the holding of applications I 1 in their hands awaiting the arrival of the appraiser rather than sending them to the batik bank as soon as aa they are com plated it must be obvious that if every secretary treasurer did this it would be impossible to tell our appraisers where to go unless you know that the appraiser is going to reach your district before you have time to send end the to the bank so the bank can get them in his hands it is best to forward them here as soon as they are ready YC lye will then know how to cut our cloth 11 in ii a few cases athas also been the practice to await the visit afan of an appraiser even before the loan committee acts on the applications in one instance our appraiser went with the loan committee to ao appraise four properties pr es of these four three were ivere rejected by the loan committee the net results being that our appraiser spent his time and the banks money in doing needless and unprofitable work which would have been obviated had the loan committee performed its functions I 1 first in a word each application should be fully complete in every respect including the recommendation of the loan committee and board of directors and then sent this bank at once cordially yours youra W H JOYCE president alvin bailey brought his car in from carlisle saturday on a sleigh he having been compeller compel leJ to leave it in a snow drift out there when he returned front salt lake labb C city ty |