Show it CALLUS CORNS LIR LIFT RIGHT OFF hurt lift any corn or callus off with fingers s 0 dont bont suffer stiffer I 1 A tiny bottle ol of free zone costs but a few cents at ani drug store apply a few drops on tho th corns calluses kalluses cal luses and hard skin on bob torn tom of feet then lift them off when Free zolie removes corns coma the toes or calluses kalluses cal luses from the bottom of feet feel t the lie skin beneath Is left pink and healthy and never sore tender oz 01 irritated SWAMPROOT SWAMP ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS there b h only one medicine that really tans tand out pre emin eminent nt as a medicine medicina for curable ail wilmenta menta of the kidneys liver and bladder dr Kil dilmers mers swamp root stands the highest for the reason that tt it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands thousand upon thousands of distressing cases swamp root boot makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is is opo boon k realized in in most moat cases it is a gentle gentle healing vegetable compound start treatment at once sold at all drug tores stores in bottles of two sizes medi um m and large however if you wish to test this thi great gnat preparation send ten cents to dr co binghamton Bing himton N Y for a sample bottle when writing be sure cure and mention this thia paper adv t tH tha 44 4 4 antt HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR COLD i says cream applied in L j opens air passages right up J H 44 mi instant relief relict no waiting malting your clogged nostrils no stills open right up the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely no more hawking hawk ln anuff lin blowing headache adache lie dryness no bt struggling niggling tor for breath nt at night your vold id or catarrh disappears get a small wide b atle of rays elys cream balm baliu from your druggist now apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic healing cream in your nostrils it penetrates through every air passage of the head soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly its just fine dont stay stuffed up with willii a cold or nasty catarrh adv RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR to half p nt of water add 1 oz day bay rum a small box bos of darbo barbo compound and oz of glycerine any druggist can put this up or 7 you can mix mix it at home at very little t ur post pull full directions for making and ana use come coma in each box bos of barbo barba compound it will gradually darken streaked fre aked faded gray ray hair and jinhe insoft it soft and glossy gloss it will not color the scalp is ia not or ol greasy and does not rub off adv A some yop U a refreshing and healing murine for redness Sc soreness renes granule tion itching and burn burning n y of the E eyes or eyelids y 1 3 IDro v tx after the th bovim motoring or gou oi PT arg your confidence ask aik your our S lor marina ains when your es berd nerd care re U bi uli li burins byo bye dy go co 0 o chic H el S TO BE should read mrs Mony hana hans letter published published by her permission mitchell MU cheIl ind lydia E PInk hams vegetable compound helped me BO much during the tha time I 1 was to the coming of my little one that I 1 atia am recommending it to 0 th r 0 x P e c t nt in mothers 0 le B before e f a r a taking it Bome some days I 1 suffered with non ral nalria a so BO badly that I 1 bought thought I 1 could I 1 not live but after taking aee three bottles of lydia lydiaa E P pink I 1 n k 11 hams vegetable e 0 table cam I 1 m I 1 n d en relieved of neuralgia I 1 had gained in ia strength and was able to go around and do all my housework my imy baby when seven beven months old weighed 19 pounds and I 1 feel better than I 1 have for a long time I 1 never had any medicine do rne ine awl BO much good 1 l mrs PEARL FEUL mitchell Mit cheH ind good health beadth during materni maternity tyis la a most moet important factor to both mother and child and many letters have been received by the may adis E pinkham Pink liam medicine co lynn mass blass telling of health restored durin trying period by tho use of lydia E table compound clear your akki biffi ft nept E oil and truth are bound to come to io the top some me time As s always C food will play jay a b bia 6 part asaman s a man eats so is het he saut a food for body and brain contains the building phosphates of df the drain rain |