Show WHO SAYS IT ITT slogging through the mud anid of 0 trance arance camping lit in tie ile rain in a frozen trance iown don some gentian plain fall in hear the she sergeant yell ell far front home and clover cloer tell me who 11 ho the bally hell said the mhd war ar was aa over oer chow for brea breakfast fast slum for 01 noon who says bas men at aio 0 o free millie the buglers buggers bug lers foolish tune the reveille re elle night llight dress hear bear the sergeant buzz mainz across to dover tell me who lio the hell it auz said isaid the war was over up a mass of 0 w alre ire stained alth plotted blood where here the big thinks bog and indre in the M inter feud full fiji of filth and fleas and fuzz and drover tell me the fathead auz said the war was ft as over oer grantland rico rice |