Show Cuti cura soothes baby rashes I 1 that itch and bum with hot baths pt p Cati calicura cura soap followed by gentle anointing anoint ings sk of Cuti cura ointment nothing better purer sweeter especially it a I 1 little of the fragrant cuti cura talcum is dusted on at the finish each eacle e everywhere ady adt the cucumber Is one of the oldest of cultivated vegetables it has been cultivated in india tor for years yeara PHYSICIAN WAS IN SERIOUS CONDITION dr farnsworth gives doans credit for his wonderful recovery dr T 0 Fa rasworth 78 76 S kanawha I 1 st IV W va r retired tired 1 physician of over forty years expert experience ex state congressman ex city mayor ma ise and ex county health officer ceF M brailes braises s doans kidney pills here is is dr Parn Farn experience as he tells it it was just a few years after my retiring from practicing medicine that I 1 found fouad I 1 was afflicted with severe disorder of the kidneys and bladder I 1 grew steadily ille worse and sometimes t a I 1 was unable to jet get around at all the kidney idne secretions were retarded letar ded and so painful in passing I 1 would cry out in misery I 1 r ii wits was la in a frightful con dr after I 1 had lost hope in other remedies doans kidney pills were brought lit to my attention and I 1 tried fried I 1 them ll 11 T e I 1 soon eoon noticed a change for the better I 1 used several b boxes 0 a and u d they cured me completely N never bese r in my practice lice did I 1 know a remedy that wo would accomplish what doans kidney pills pill olid did and I 1 give them my heartiest on endorsement do ement gi G i dows it at any store a box DOANS KIDNEY FOSTERM LBURN CO B BUFFALO NY N Y DONT CUT OU OUT A hock or bursitis FOR will reduce them a and ad leve leave no stops stopa lameness larot nesi promar promptly does not blister or remove the hair air and horse can be worked 2 50 a bottle delivered deliver id JR tot 4 tho tt mewl all ado 91 t t or MIJ belli so sore 6 all itaf aliu or acl yott note 11 aroa rit W PO PD frio both aih beef and milli milk nhe one breed that j t T i er excels cels in both beet beef and milk to la the short y horn born shorthorn steers repeatedly broke the th records at the markets in 14 y 1618 1918 making the mch I 1 est record on in the peu 5 ot of SO BO per OWL 5 and shorthorn cowl hata ill milk records ol of over ibs 1 bs pok per year lavalna extra leak le jualita slid bronchial troubles botie soothe ile bad i eliere ae ala cutrer tes do da loth quickly and ff by promptly a remedy g r IM i aft 0 net Conte tits CA por infants and childen 1 4 q mothers know tha asiat genuine castoria castori ALCOHOLS ALCOHOL 3 PER IJA ot 1 eways UV at I 1 beam the 4 pit 1 1 i e re R WE 1 da F t yai 0 ig maturo nh aty 1 10 c e ff ll 11 less an d R 9 S L 0 d 0 0 M f T P h of li nerol casad in 5 id ff A helpful remedy use 4 1 1 1 and I 1 ana loss OF lit t V I 1 1 for over hii MM caffi cow RIC TH thirty r ty years A cm I 1 ORIA 0 exact copy of wrapper arm experiments have shown that the average speed of an ordinary Is at the rate of one ene mile in 14 days americans ore are the greatest water drinkers in the world bayer tablets of aspirin I 1 bayer cross proved safe oil tablets by millions S UC CESSOR A AE rt DAYER true A sp brint 00 1 buy bayee 1 the go allu ine packaged for colds grippe colds no discomfort no heid head buzzing no distress millions of people take bayer tablets of aspirin as the best means to prevent as well veil Is as to overcome colds grippe and colds being far more efficient than quinine anine besides relief comes without discomfort or distress the master of colds dependable adults take one or two bayer tablets of aspirin with water if necessary repeat dose three times a t day after meals tay bayer e r tablets of aspirin buy only the original bayer packages owned by look for the safety bayer cross always americans 20 cent package also larger packages entirely aspirin Is I 1 tie the trado mark df 0 cayer manufacture of 0 of aci d S 1 M melle H D 4 hualah W M 0 h fa mam i I 1 li 0 n b besides those painful attacks of indigestion ends stomach suffering buffering and ana makes it i that awful bloated luma lumpy cool sweet comfortable and strong n feeling after eating and downright t there can bo be no further excuse for fo stomach misery that you wh who 0 have hava you to allow acid stomach to wreck experienced it know so BO well besides your health pile up misery u upon mis disgusting belching food repeating ng cry e until you get to tha point ila t where W ion e to you 0 12 bour eleira stomach a ch and distressing heartburn feel down and out and that life 13 has affo loaec t besides all this ACID STOMACH all its joys remember ber juat as acid undermines the health and sepa saps the tha mouth ruins ruina teeth eo strength of millions f ruins health if you yon dont get rid of those thosa stomach take its good just liko like miseries there is no telling ft where here your ia a bit of candy and makes the stomach stomach troubles will end for it la Is a feel fine you can then eat cat tho the things well known scientific fact that many you like and what is more every serious ailments have their start star in ila nn an mouthful youen you eat trill twill countin creating 9 acid stomach power and energy feel so much start now this very day boget rid of etter better have punch and pep abe power orie and will to do things end and get results tho the wonderful remedy I 1 hat absorbs and your BU miary will bo be gone cone tho the excess acid from rom the tha stomach and take taka our advice get a big box ot of brings INSTANT relief you simply I 1 from your druggist today have no idea how much better stronger etrone cr it costs so little it it fails to and brighter you feel at once it lt drives your stomach distress ho he will vill refund out cut all the gas and bloat puts nuts nn an im your money that is guaranteed you a are ara to be satisfied or money refu refunded a g d T I 1 to A K C 0 E FOR YOUR ACID STOMACH jg A V |