Show WHEAT FOR THE FARMERS SENATE APPROVES MEASURE guaranteeing HI HIGH GH PRICE FOR 1919 CROP billion dollar appropriation made to fulfill governments govern guarantee it to the wheat raising farmers of the nation v washington the administration bill appropriating fill the guaranteed wheat price to the bariner for tile ilie 1010 crop was passed 27 by the senate without material anti and now goes to conference i no change was made by the senate in the house provi provisions Mons for import and export restrictions or in the limitation to june 1 1920 of the operation or of the net act efforts to reduce the appropriation land to strike out the licensing provisions failed after adopting an anten amendment dment to deny den benefits of the bill 1111 to growers giov veis ot of 1910 spring wheat who did not grow 1018 1918 spring wheat the senate scuttle reversed sed its action and by h it vote of 31 to 23 struck out the amendment the only important amendment adopted by the senate wits was a rider amending the cotton futures net act so as to restrict speculation in cotton and give the lie government larger control over exchanges efforts of southern senators to add a rider to the file bill culling calling for fol the removal of fill all export embargo restrictions against cotton failed the senate voting down the amendment anion dment 30 to 23 after it a long debate in the course cour se of which republican lender leader lodge said adoption of tile the amendment would violate the armistice which call tor for maintaining the lie status quo with ger carmany until the alie pence peace arc treaty aty Is completed |