Show the record has secured the services of A clyde coult as editor of our blanding anding BI department mr coultis coult is authorized to lc ac capt moneys for sub subscript ionato ions to the paper as well as contract for advertising biating people are respectfully fully referred to him when needing to transact business with the record x phone no t g X T I 1 t J X george E haney X A 1 Y X general blacksmithing and woodwork X X k X t S x 3 tractor repair and automobile LUMB lumberyard t spring work A specialty in C connection v X i X j A B BARTON t 5 licensed abstracter 5 I 1 I 1 I 1 X t I 1 I 1 monticello utah X i 4 i X X t X office open saturday and monday X i all work promptly attended to write us your wants X j i t X 3 J E BLACK 1 S X X sanitary barber shop 8 X X two doors south of coop co op store X t first class work guaranteed J X vv vve 4 the record prints all the news all the time you can get all this by becoming a subscriber today to day MW K X j 3 4 A C peterson 3 X j t xa lk t harness and shoe repairing 1 X X I 1 shop at residence 1 1 one and one half blocks 31 1 1 1 1 t south occo op store S X 5 1 moab bluff sta 9 fe trang X I 1 PU tabon Comp tany does a regular passenger baggage and express business daily automobile stages between moab and bluff spec special bial trips made between above points on arrangement with manager I 1 main office monticello utah J T PHERSON mgr iri 01 ol E X X join the farm bureau bur X 1 at ance once 5 31 x X A 5 X X I 1 tal take e advantage of the poison campaign X buy your vaccine at a reduction X of 25 pr per cent don t let the day pass X 3 without handing in your 1 membership 1 X fee then be sure to attend meetings of 5 X X 1 your local and see what good will accrue 3 X Y 5 X gy y the end of the year 5 the county agent is is now wo working aking 5 and rodent arid and 5 on sparrow campaigns 3 X yo you u wih do yourself and the county a service X X by helping the goad work with your 3 x membership rodent and sparrow poison I 1 X 1 is S free to members 5 k X 5 t 9 t M H 1 ri ai 31 X 5 3 tt 0 IV McCO mcconkie NICIE J il II S BUSSEY BI al D attorney at law physician and surgeon burgeon monticello utah ANI monticello utah C A ROBERTSON T 3 j T V F B HAMMOND jr 3 attorney at law attorney at law y 5 moab utah 7 monticello CELLO UTAH iti SAN JUAN STATE STAT E BANK BLANDING UTAH L H REDD president HANSON BAYLES vice pres L B REDD cashier capital stock surplus and profits MEMBER AMERICAN BANKERS association 4 PER CENT INTE INTEREST RET PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS S an juin i n mf G r g ELA agents for FORD CARS gas and oil automobile accessories repair work CARS FOR HIRE V L AT A 31 TALL ALL TIMES monticello utah hihi SI at T y t W G SHUTT t 4 t t t X sanitary plumbing t t t I 1 f X heating and sheet metal work t 1 t f v f Estinia estimates les furnished on aepli 4 t cation all work guaranteed t t sa t t f monticello UTAH 44 4 ta A A A x A A A A A 4 A 4 A eastman have no equal we will sell you a machine for IV Q an any y price from 2 to also we will give you free Instruct instructions iona on how to operate it llie camera of which aich this picture is an illustration is a wonderfully fine nin machine chine and the price is remarkably low lois ranging from 2 to 10 ec cording to the size wanted MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL attention ATrEN TION WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY exclusive kodak dealers for utah MOAB UTAH THE TELEPHONE AVES baves TIME the tel clione saes time time is money you pay pa a i small amount and save tiina and consequently save have moncy monti to say nothing about worry and do you know that most fiuman troubles coubles rou bles arv are worry 3 over th unknown not vin sure the rhe telephone keeps you QUICK the midland telephone company y |