Show SENATORS FANO STATE INCOME TAX TAN OUT BUT THEY HAVE DIFFERENT IDEAS AND TWO MEASURES olson Work mens compensation bill Is throttled and the parker measure substituted health education measure attacked salt lake city two sessions of the state senate on february 27 brought brou glit a rush of bills to make up tor for the absence of any the day before two of the men measures ore are income tax bills afie one by senator edward southwick lck makes the federal income tax law conform to state institutions with the saine exemptions and calls for a blank rate to be fixed by the committee at possible 2 per cent and for its airilin administration ration tle kotlier income tax measure Is by senator daniel stevens ile he fixes a rate of 5 poi per cent with very low exemptions for a bachelor for a married man mail and 50 for each child the senate on february 27 ended a three day argument on the work mens compensation law by killing the olson bill providing for mono insurance nud and substituting ilia iho parker bill originally tile the parker bill was largely in an adaptation of tile the olson bill with ft etli some of the features of the later laiter measure eliminated such as state monopolistic insurance find and the abolition or of the lie right to review in ili tile district courts the parker bill also had iauch smaller benefits for injured men than were sere provided in ili the Olson bill many of the proposed changes in ili the bill llo llobel 1010 oel veir lind hold beao copied verbatim from the olson bill |