Show weekly health talks URIC ACID IN THE SYSTEM DT BY LEH LEC IL SMITH II 11 1 D uric acid Is now generally acor sized as tl the le cause of more diseases than was b heretofore e believed when the kidneys are out of order uric 0 acid accumulates within the body in superabundance at un dance the disordered kidney d do 0 no not filter the tha poisons out of tha th blood as they ought to do and so eo tha polso poisons a s remain in mhd blood and float around until they find a place t to e lodge in form of urata salts salta th the 0 thing to remember Is that you may have rheumatism in any part of the th body you may have pains anywhere your back may ache and your head may bo be dizzy butche trouble Is not where the pain appears the trouble Is ii in the kidneys and nd what first thing to do you mut must get that excess uri uric acid out of your ift eye tern tem which can be done by taking fairing acurio tablets tablet the splendid remedy which dr pierce ot of buffalo N Y has ha put ut on sale al in the drug stores ata at a low price tablets tablet made double strength when taken into the system as aj medi cint te ha baye the he peculiar power of dissolving the uric acid deposited there drop a bit of sugar or salt aalt into hot water anait and it will disappear in precisely preci itly the same way do these then acurio tablets dissolve disio lre uric uria scid acid 01 61 course after ridding the system ol of uric acid it may return again unless you ye et eat the right foods and lire the right land of life but dr pierce will advise you fully on proper food and correct living if i you write and ask him he snakes no charge for such fluch advice take acurio tablets to t dy day by all means and get that uric acid out ont of your system dont dont doat put the matter eff aff |