Show UTAH BUDGET BUD GET belgian relief work voik Is 14 being behig undertaken by the public of suit salt lake through the organization ot of tile the junior cited cross david mattson former state official was ns found guilty by a jury lit in ills alb trial nt fit being charged with lie illegal sale of liquor it costs more to dle die la in ogden now than heretofore this ihla la Is due to the city commissioners s passing tin nn ordin 01 din nine alice to liui ense tile the price pike of digging graves emus more moie than 1200 acres of loud land in sun san buah jumi county count tire me to be reclaimed all and irrigated under fill an application filed with the lie state engineer by four foul women of blanding the llie federal government lw let n contrail contract to the utah idalio idaho central railroad company pany for foi carrying mail between tive n ogden brigham Dowe de providence and logan seeking solution of tile lie smoke problem in ill suit stilt lillie lake the uti city commission has authorized sylvester Q cannon city alt engineer to undertake till an extended survey buno of the situation admissions made by three sinal boys bois arrested by officers of the juvenile jenile ont court indicate that u gang of youngsters lias has been systematically I lobbing abbing stores lit in ogden and biding tit loot lit in a ciack sparrow spano poisoning should be done this ibis bear ear it Is state slated by state fish and gallic 11 it sedilo wily mn within the next two to weeks and before migratory birds return lor for summer mini life lit in utah tile hie nu nucleus cletis of nf n statewide state wide ulde organ nation for propaganda lit in favor faor of a league to enforce peik peace e was uis formed at the capitol on oil february i governor bomberger was mils iiii ined led lion prest ilent and john ji 1 C cutler culler president ite electing IV it imily of draper ns president of the lie suit stilt luke lake co I 1 11 lt faro fin in lm can lit at 11 meeting it at suit salt lake also alho led mrs mary liu it 1 of creek ace lee piLI deat and T j pox io secretary treasured of tile hie orga ait oit ill za t loll 1011 I 1 lit tile smelt ing coul plant tit lit garfield quit their jobs jol february 27 making a total of henrly 30 men nii n leaving the plant due dite to the reduction lit in wages a cording tu to the report by bi I 1 officials alleging she lins li is found lit in david dald brano hi 11 ubold ll Il oil nil adopted child tin the little foll v mho ito aas ns lil lildon dimi froni lie her r tit nt it a time thile vi hen se aie was lit at the bedside ot of lier her lying baby bab ills nellie may ma mur phy phi lis ills filed ailed stilt milt tit at salt lake to have the adoption set ashle pauline who startled thousands of suit lakers l keis hi by tier liei spectacular brict hilgh diving stunt ut t innus Iago ull list suin iner inel ams dl v I 1 11 ed ohp left th alie alicine of lier liei father frank of sandy band and it 11 search extending over several states state j lias has beba st tailed aried it Is tunit unless the H ali U S ilela artillery ilist utah shall be reorganized athin two to years eais of its demobilization it Is likely to lose loe its regimental fund of more moie than 1000 rabael lit in a band concert tour under direction of clarence J hawkins druggists of the lie state tire aie ill up in fit abw ill ins over certain provi pio lions loll s in all aln bill N ill cl cinq been in en indru antio deuced in ili the lower lover house of the lie legislature it if it passes its as it stands they declare the proprietary ine dicine business will be dealt jn all extremely eti emel severe eie blow construction of it a I ion dui to fo kliffer In lake one liiv of the hie beauty spots lit in the lie beaver lilii it kii key it to tajo alio nast ast expanse of natural to lie ile found there is belog being li by pre Insl dout J 11 ot of the an 0 bead trall L M L t rod and development W 1 I mauls sig Neller berger gilld clarry white milte each about 20 eais deurs old vere eie sentenced tit lit stilt salt lake I 1 like to serve hl aix in ili tilt county bount j jall ill on it of lit lif iving conti it to alio llio ito delinquency of li oetta Illie sinan 17 yea mills s old It osetta will mill ho li to tilt state school i nt lit cogdell secretary of state satte harden Is 19 to represent tit hit tit nl it a con fL flrence renco to 0 be lold in wit sill march maili 3 and 4 between federal state all and d 4 to dl cuss tile lie situation and nils flig fin froidl find conditions condition in tile lie united states till all women of the union bacille rall railroad road lind ar af fil filleted lines line for foi ill the pui of determining how lio many limn can nn ix be rl placed 11 lill returned will ill lie he bagull by the lie rall railroad lallio road jd lit at onvy bout 2 ia 1 tire me employed by bi ali oregon short line lit in and armi mound I 1 d salt halt aliko city an all 8 var ui old boy 10 arrested at t hit biall it lake was uns cllrk ing two tomal and it liala li lf billits ot it whiskey bilske lils ke lip he tans a carrying am earr yIng lug tin tilt liquor for alvarez ah no abi faces it charge of b if a bill before congre Is approved st georgia will all liue have a new ie pot office building the bite and build hig a aio to cost 70 according to tile pr pio visions of tile proposed pio posed me measure amire it if everybody raising chichen will mill tie te us as successful as sirs irs william iner inver ver ot of strawberry fries will mill ile be on oil the market soon last week aek mrs craver crato took oft off what Is said to be ti alio to first hatch batch of tile the season thirty torn four chicks from thirty nine eggs by three alnee hens utah roay may be one of the limite nt at tile national conference of the red fed crated Club women of america to be b held in three years it if the plan out lined nt at thoe the conference of tile intermountain federation of Wonie iiii clubs tit nt salt lake last week eek Is worked out |