Show 61 OR monticello storm keeps someway way who live at distance evening exe exercises Y bises prove great drawing Card for public friday if afternoon last monti cello held the first tion to tre returned and their parents andelt and it ii proved ovad a splendid success although alt hoich the inclemency of the weather tor for the week pi previous kept several iver ar parents who lived afar at a distance from being present elaborate preparations i were made for the comfort and c entertainment tain ment of the assemblage the hall was most tastefully decorated with national and allied colors and bufi bunting tind with diversions of cut flowers and W wreaths huhg the credit for which auit mut be given comiss to miss pearl Walton jand ed rogerson with their ag assistants pi fj the arrangement committee for the banquet had the tables and stove ready in good season season and the ladies headed by mrs 3 lucinda redd were in with all the good things t 0 a to spread for the guests att at thep map pointed hour ri t As the guests gueits assembled in athe th spacious auditorium at the rheet meeting house they were seated the rostrum while the edibles were being placed on the tables table after which they were ushered tot to their se seats ats at the table bythe members of alie precinct of defense ji in the ail absence sence bop J jarvis A B barton was wasa Hij bd choit aft which opened the i e s after which the coi orchestra chestra rendered a selection while soup was being served the feast consisted of oyster soup crackers potato salad cheese pickles olives bavarian cream cake mince pie coffee geo A adams acted as toastmaster and put the speakers aliers at their ease as he diplomatically called on them to take their turns mayor nephi bailey gave the speech of welcome reciting therein the part san juans boys had played in the war and eulo culo bising them as well as the loyal people who stayed at home and gave them the support needed to crown their efforts with the success an and d honor they had brought to the country t c lieutenant lee shutt made a very well considered and enlightened reply to the mayor show ing in ili every utterance the presence of the grey matter which had brought him the commission commiss i on with which he returned from the army the banquot w ost glowing 4 success aiom every angle and to this a great gre at deal of the tha credit must be bb given to the ladio ladies of the red cross who had charge change of the service drawing help wherever needed making all go off as smooth as cowd could ba desired by the most exacting the musical numbers with which the feast was interspersed were beautifully and timely rendered by the bailey orchestra composed of john bailey directo 1 aitor thomas A evans ed and gean rogerson and misses 1 maggie and thelma bailey the evenings evening entertainment commenced with a selection by the orchestra the statue of LiBer tyis smiling after which D B gave the opening talk consuming perhaps ten minutes of time and carrying the audience with him through every sentence their absorption being complete in following his I 1 logic and eloquence the response to mr perkins remarks was made by J B prince an overseas soldier who had se served rv d with the U S cava cavalry I 1 in mexico the canadians in france i and italy before the entrance of the united states in war and afterwards ads with uncle sams sa overseas forces mr princes remarks were highly instructing Arlic ting to the stay at homes 3 life of f the soldier foldier on the fighting line ills experience had been so varied that he was able to tell of the fighting qualities of the different nationalities rind and he was unstinted in his pra praise e of the italian cavalry with As which he had fought side by side in some of their most desperate to the invading austrians Aust rians the balance of the program before the dance was taken up with musical selections by the orchestra interspersed with songs by arch bronson and ray redd which were applauded to the encore and the exhibition ex drill by twelve of the returned sold soldiers e rs under the command of lieutenant shutt the drill was probably the most instructive feature of the program the boys being b eing put through some of the foot movements after which the lieutenant gave an imitation saturday inspection with the doughboys dough boys as the goats which highly amused the assemblage at the dance started and while the house was crowded the dancers kept step to the music until near I 1 in tha morn |