Show e it constipation nou habit forming sunshine A A A all winter jlong Long AT the foremost For moil desert resort at f thiogest thio west marvelous cl linot worm warn bunny day darl elar clear starlit ll arlit night dry dri invigorating air splendid toads gorgeous gor gou mountain varies finest hotels the lh I 1 ideal disa I 1 winter horn home writ wis c or A achs chilley flay PAL PALM M SPRINGS california COULD HARDLY 00 HER WORK ff strengthened by lydia E Pin Pink khama harns vegetable compound mission tex tes 1 I have used a good deal of your medicine and albars find it gives ves wo wonderful erful sit he help p I 1 was feeling bo weak and er able that I 1 had to I 1 lie ho down very 0 often ft 1 and I 1 could X hardly doray do my C v housework I 1 road read in the paper how lydia E pink hams bams vegetable commod compound und had helped other al women who ho were wera in the same condition so I 1 said I 1 will try it for myself 1 I am very much better n now 0 w and I 1 recommend this medicine and will answer letters from women asking about it MRS J W 1015 miller avenue mission texas GOOD hast ailments tart ecart from poor ells elim constipation or deml conati J f ration pation intestinal P vital i ity its tin demine your health and make J lif ufa mile I 1 bl T tonight I 1 att try IR fl 1 NATURES all vegetable i not en an ordinary laxative a I 1 j see sea how W N will aid in re storine insI I 1 your al 1 appetite and rid you of that heavy j tossy rep letis feel fur kill tl at Jag lists edif zt FEEL ark LIKE 1 A MILMON TAKE ap 4 Is your rest I 1 disturbed deal promptly with kidney irregularities IF bothered with bladder irritations t ons getting up at night and constant backache dont don t take chances help your kidney with doans pills used for more than 40 years hearts endorsed the world aver over sold by dealers everywhere users endorse doans john CA calener Cre mener ener 29 N sheridan ave ae indianapolis ind ay 1 I 1 wa brou trou troubled with th h mae I 1 tho b kidy ti t i ati burned d and d contained dt d t I 1 wt felt tired out and 1 hd had no energy cy dc doan pilla pill put BIO in bood apo nd 11 1 I h have used d them w umea X good goodr aults 0 I 1 0 a OUR chicks are in danger endanger Coc cless diarrhea and will take their toll unless you yon clean and disinfect incubator brooder and hen houses regularly M SP n THE editor of this V paper and government authorities advise you X p to first scrape out the filth and droppings then scrub with a solution of bolling boiling lye water 6 USE one can of genuine lewis high test lye to 10 gallons ol of boning water for best results lewis lye water ater cuts right through the dirt and cleans out the deadly germs quickly hotop easily and surely then V 0 spray with B BK BH H df dilution lution U your full grocer cant supply you yon with this t dependable brand dont accept a k lit 13 substitute send post geice order f I 1 ot 10 for direct to us tor for abase a case ol of 13 12 t ta F wt cans toge together ther with valuable instructions N ft ft JAMES 1 D SWAN nor mor ol of specialties tun rENN pennsylvania SYLVANIA SALT MFG CO dept bl north la bale st cheeka salt lake city directory to read more Is to learn more afore all bobki at publishers prices well wall send them COD C OD if you say so BO DESERET BOOK COMPANY 44 east south temple st SL P 0 sol 1793 sait lake city mccune school of music and art L F fulty faculty of eminent to teachers hr I in uw dramatic ti art 00 nth N th min st spit T alty t Y hall ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS offee and laboratory S west temple st salt lk lake CRY city ut uth utah h P 0 box C mail g envelope and a price pk on I 1 W irtle up IM ov 1 e main street SALT LAKE CITY tot IT IS rooms D double ble vi without bath per day 1 tl 50 rooms al single v g 1 e W with li h 11 bath t h 1 pr r daty y f 1 50 to 1 12 2 DO 00 ithoma a double 0 u 4 0 with th bath per day 1200 to 1250 12 50 all depot street cars pass the hotel KEARNS GARAGE opposite little hotel cullen hotel 3 ir bonart ard M Miu iBer irm burdue aft mir meet your old friends at al llie alid cullen cafe and cafeteria 82 83 IT ad and 2nd S so st salt bahe city utah CULLEN GARAGE 37 nest ad so R STORAGE AND SERVICE pipe ind valves fittings eliw AND USED FOR ANY SALT LAKE ri PIPE rr CO 05 W sixth south st SG salt ulo lale city utah used pipe fittings valves newly threaded anil and coupled lor for nil all purposes iron and metal co S so sd lat cat salt 11 ulio iulio I city ut P I 1 C sn L E S ARROW annd rhone for who want the 19 hert beat otan dahe CITY CIT furniture and supplier llen 1 heater cheater and church I 1 bulaon dick and full line of 0 stationery wrapping paper etc oldest and largest school supply and house in the west UTAH SCHOOL CO IBS S so stat street salt lako ike city for pool tables and surphes and ariT thing in show cases case and store fixtures fins work write we 11 WETHERBEE 53 W so temple salt lake city W N U salt lake city no nc 12 |