Show WHEAT AT AND BEAN GROWERS MEETING Gb II 11 C watkins walking president of tile the blinding blanding local of tie the bean growers association is in in receipt of a letter from II if C stevens manager of tile association that mi air plummer alumn er lent dent of the colorado bean growers association anil and director of the colo biado rado wheat growers as association will i I ie he e in in san juan ju in county next week wco ard that meetings hive have been scheduled throughout hout the basin ba sin mi dir watkins will ial meet inept mr air plummer at dolores Do loies tomorrow friday and a meeting of tile the farmers fan ners of the lewis colo neighborhood will be held friday it at 7 p in other meetings are aie scheduled as follows dove creek saturday 2 p m Ac ackman knien saturday 7 p in Blandi blandiner ncr sunday sunda Y 2 p 1 in and monticello SI monday 2 p nl at ropeti lims the of organizing tile the wheat heat grower glowers will ill also alao bo be taken up with a view bew of gt ting e bev tors established in in the most convenient dinces to the wheat grow gio ers cis so that tile lie wheat clope mav be handled in in an intelligent manner these meetings nio are of ns as much rr more inter s r the ahert IKEI brower ns m thoi they are air to the iha boan growers and every former fai kiei of the county should mike it a point to 1 one or the other of the meet irn s to ie be held I 1 in n tile the cou county collity lity |