Show COUNTY tile the board of san ju juan n county commissioners commissio neis held their regular ar monthly meeting bestel a y IV with ill t the lie full board present pie sent an appropriation of 00 ana powder was ordered for the repair odthe of the recapture mustang mesa road providing the farmers interested will contribute an equal amount in labor for the sonic same louisa A black purchased the WJ 4 SW 11 and swanti SWAN Wi see sec 0 tp 37 S R 22 12 n E wa no made mada with the U S company to furr furnoh isih twenty pieces of bridge timber the company to construct a bridge on the road load from the mine to the main highway juno june 2 3 and 4 were set as days to hear complaints and adjust tax ta matters june IS 18 and 19 10 also being set for final adjustment of taxes taws the states offer of 1000 an acre for foi rights of way for the monticello state line road load was wai approved and deeds were ordered drawn up A contract was received from the state road rend commission for the amount of 1 estimated cost of construction st of the federal aid highway from the vega east cast to the state lint line this contemplates the construction and gra gravelding velling of the road at this tims time under federal aid plans plan but is contingent contin grint gont on the passage by con gress of tile the increased inci cased federal aia ai appropriation a bill which has already passed the senate |