Show the crippled lady of f le Peri bonka r f by jai james oliver cis curwood VW cerrice 1029 1929 dornn A C co lac inc STORY FROM THE START mome om of th a people 00 of the pretty lilt little F frenca canadian Canad laa village of Peri bonka particularly the crippled lady idol of the simple inhabitants inhabitant CHAPTER 11 II continued 2 from the hour danl out opened his eyes to the tight light of life ne he had bud to ID ulm the soul of an indian after a hundred ind and thirty live five years the blood of the lovely molly brant had come coma into its own onu one would not have guessed jues it horn from the boys physical appearance for he be was light rather chats dark with blue eyes and blond hair but bill the modern molly who lived in a palace with a croesus for a husband saw law what was wag happening as the years passed by her boy grew lean of at face and fig og figare are life ella cheek bones were a little high his love for the outdoors became a passion she made it possible for him to spend his bis vacations I 1 til n the woods and each time line he returned t she knew that something find been taken away from him and a little more of the other thing put in ID its place the servants thought he be was queer md ind loved his quiet nd ind stolen stoical kindness which was many years older than bis big age most hoys would have lived up to the princely grandeur of its environment to paul it meant lets less thi a tree with birds singing in its branches in ble bis thirteenth year came three events of vital Import importance anci in the shaping of his bis future first his mother died no one would ever know the terrible burd it cut in pauls paulb heart it was lames james kirke the hardened and power liwer juggernaut n of flesh and blood who went to pieces when tie discovered that death had been fearless to cross his path ills agony was waa like a storm tragic fur for a time anil and quickly over he settled back into the fierce strife of tits his money netting getting ti 0 the time paul begun began to grieve but the shadow and the fact of death changed him a little lie ile saw himself alone except for his son and this son after years of passing interest on his part became the kernel of his plans aud and ambitions he was novi now ling seme day his boy would be king and it was his desire and his decision that he should be a greater king than himself pride fired bred his resolution but nere here the geographical genius of fate again stepped in with humors of its own in another fifth avenue home a baby girl was I biorn orn to the wife 0 of kirkes most implacable financial edemy enemy henry durand A few months later three thousand miles or more away an immigrant ran ship left for america on board this ship was a clear eyed hopeful woodcutter from the mountain country of central europe with him were his wife and baby they were an three the sea might have swallowed them and no one would have bine cared very much for their adventure was only one of millions of ct a similar kind the immigrant fortune began and ended with the ft w little clothes she wore the other othar baby was worth millions one second after she came into the world paul continued to grow up op and with e goal equal steadiness his bis father continued t to 0 amass fortune and influence it was his bis passion to smash and break down then devour and build up tip until some gome one called him the anaconda Anit conila a name which fitted him so well that the news newspapers would have used it had bad they dared kirke war wan always within the legal boundaries of his count rys laws Us ue absorb d shipping companies railroads coal mines and tim berlands and sent out his engineers to corner vast water power rights from an industrial point of view he was constructively an asset for wherever he broke down or consumed small a activities he built up larger ones but morally nio raily and ethically his brain was by a covetous and avid desire to rule ue ile was of it rivalry and tills this brought him each year biln in closer and more deadly contact n alth tile the equally tar far reaching interests of henry durand the titanic struggle between these two of finan caal nod and industrial a Is a part of wall street history the more in te cresting resting story of paul pau and the two babies Is known only to a few chiefly about lac st jenn jean that ills his futher futler married again soon iter after molly holly kirkes and had bad another another son did not curl blaul except that it mode him bin grieve more deeply for tile his mother and andle d to tits his lonell uee ile he got along only fairly well in colleg 9 been because use he could never complete lv shackle tits his mind igind to duties hut chat er con within stone and brick w is it took him an extra year to finish an course and after that he was happy ceat when ben in ID the llie open olen spaces lo 10 a business way be b was wag interested ml adl to in till his fat fathers tiers and suet nek water power projects project as a were rit died lo in the wilderness an af a whole W it was 9 a disappointment to tile bis parent one restless rest leas night the greatest ot of a all bis ideas came to james kirke the next t day he be went ft en boldly and to in friendly spirit to the office of henry durand and tor for hours the two colossi talk talked d over kirkes suggestion that bhele their interests be combined into one giant force of countless millions they parted in a little while they were seen at th the a ca clubs u ba together later the all powerful kirke durand corporation po ration became a reality the flinty old warriors worked band 10 D hand their assets multiplied their palatial homes were scenes ut of mutual intercourse their wives were intimate their children became acquainted quain ted in his thirty second year soul married ilalie durand to in his thirty eighth year tile the son BOH of one of the richest men in new york h he a was 0 in charge of the rha huge engineering work on tile the still river in the north of loc lac st SL jean and had bad been three yours on tile the job during these three years he be bad known carla aria haldena Hald iia ile he was thinking of carla as he ha looked from a window of isis hiis bungalow office on the hill down over tile the vast t and naked workings of an euffe ering achievement which was costing fifty million dollars he felt no DO exultation or thrill of pride and to in his eyes was a aarback fur far hack back somber gloom what he be saw was to him an unending and nauseous pit into which a scendy and monotonous drizzle of rain wn was falling there were fifteen hundred men en on the job below him working to in I 1 Y 5 Perl bonka three eight hour shirts shifts and neither darkness nor storm could stop them lie could see them moving and crawling about like ants at their labor in his mind they added nothing to the scene unless it was te tc give grimmer brimmer reality to a hell bell that was smoking and boiling over everywhere a rumble and din everywhere the fierce and heartbreaking labor of men every where the ugliness and madness of a man made place of torment paul pau was thinking this even with carla in bis big mind he could see the gray white sluices and dykes with their cement and steel walls slid and the monster sections of the almost completed dam which was to harness northern waters to the production ot of light and power for or twenty million people three years of human effort and millions in capital lay under his bis eyen yet about it all was only one excusable and beautiful thing for him that was the rim of wilderness the green and black and purple boun daries claries of the forest which stitch clung like a frame about the workings his contemplation of the scene in the valley was interrupted by a voice at his bis office door and he be turned to greet the most intimate of his friends friend in the beld colln colin derwent who wa was the companas comp anys medical man even on rainy days and with Us lis boots clogged with mud derwent was a cheerful soul with his bis french little mus tache bis big smooth cheeks his bis llvell livell ness of movement and his bis appreciation of all ail phases of at life he be continued to bear the appearance of I a boy though he bad filled an important chair to in medicine in johns hopkins lna TO BM BB CONTINUED |