Show 47 1 IS t T chine neglect a COLD distressing cold in chest or DISTRESSING throat that to so often leads to tomezine tome Aine serious generally responds rei ponds to good old M uste role 1 with the first 2 application tin should be ba more ejective if aliel used 1 once every how for five hours working like the trained hands of a masseur this famous blend of oil of mustard camphor menthol and other helpful ingredients brings relief 11 naturally it penetrates and stimulates blood circulation helps to draa out infection and pain abse used heys by millions for 20 years recommended by doctors and nurses keep M osterode oste role h handy andy jars j ars and tubes to mothers is s also anade in milder form forin for tables babies and small children askor chit sirens mus role aa it PARKERS HAIR BALSAM a D aff rod retort col color and a I 1 bealy VV to gray ud d faded HU tab too and dite sl 0 kt t drumtra altu win R w T FLORESTON nO RESTOM SHAMPOO heal tor for use la in connett connection lon with halt balam makes lakeith this i an ana fletty 60 emu to by antu U cr kt d byr W cuts or aj 9 M many any weddings biddi i in n S sight g k t when mine girls are already thinking of the wedding ring riat their health fails fail they become nervous high strung irritable and through this loss of control many a young woman loses her i future happiness As a tonic at this time and in motherhood or in middle middie life there is nothing to equal dr pierces pierce favorite arese prese prescription rip tion one who used teed it said before I 1 took dr pierces favorite prescription I 1 was all rundown in health just a few bottles of this medicine built me up wonderfully der fully I 1 have no more of the aches and pains that bothered me so much miss ethel jackson 2541 curtis st de denver e r colo write wr te dr pierces clinic in buffalo N Y for medical advice free 1 46 I 1 14 alii 11 1 11 1 rs 33 1 1 ia S 13 1 1 ii i t i ji at IM ka V I 1 HOTEL newhouse SALT LAKE CITY one bile of salt lake lahe cites finest I 1 guest is fetid every comfort with a aarbu tali bality ty barago in conn connection r ebion cafe and cafeteria rooms rack each bath to alco 10 3 it ir manager sa ImI VAUD for that cia can buy better beller roses roie than oun onri tj lu uncoil 0 our nr rom roars s wonted wo ooch your I 1 business vI sIness CO perfect dyeing so easily done D DIAMOND I 1 A M 0 N D DYES contain tao ali highest quality anilines ani lines money can an buy uv I 1 why vv kiy they give such true bright right new colors to dresses ssta drapes lingerie inges tho the anilines anflin ani lines es in diamond dyes male make them so easy to use no spotting or streaking just clear even colors that hold bold through wear and washing diamond dyes never give thin things gs that re dyed look they are just csc a at t all dealers when perfect dyeing dyea costs no more as is so 1 easy aby experiment with makes lal its Diamon doDy g bighart bhea quality f 01 so y gar WHY NOT EXCEL BRIDGE the only guaranteed instruction perfects pertecta you at home write BRIDGE SCHOOL box hollywood talla ladle ladies inte Inter wittS sted la in spars spare time junia write immediately Ina including ludIng tamp experience E WI aln ae opportunity opp t tty limited 11 addre 0 W dal U mallor aj or 1021 bou idaho o superficial flesh wounds try Han fords balsam 1 of myrrh all dealers are ir authorized to ID tofu moni money lor for the lint first bottle it II not tuned avitea have kidneys examined B by y your doctor take salts to lo wash wah kidneys kidney it if back pain you or bladder bladd or bothers bother flush your kidneys by drin drinkins kink n quart of water each say day also alao tain salts baits occasionally says a noted tu thorl ty who tells us that to much rich food forms fields acids which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood they become sluggish and weaken then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region sharp pains in the tick bick or sick liend headache achet dizziness pur our stomach sours tongue la Is coated and when the weather Is bad you ha have VL rheumatic twinges the urine gets cloudy full of sediment ent the channels often get soro sore and irritated obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night to help neutralize these irritating fields acids to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off tile the blodys waste get tour four ounces of jad stilts salts fromang fio many pharmacy here take it tablespoonful tablespoon tul in a glass of water before breakfast tor for a few days and your kidneys may then net act fine this famous salts Is made from the field acid of grapes and ami lemon juice combined with lithia find and has ban been used for years to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys also to neutralize the adds acids la in the system so they no longer irritate thus often relieving bladder weakness jad salts Is inexpensive cannot in jure and makes a delightful effervescent water drink 1 makesh 0 abou childrens stomachs sour and need an anti antl acid keep their systems sweet with phillips mill of magnesia Magn esla I 1 when tongue or breath tells nf add acid condition correct it with a spoonful of phillips most host men and women bave been comforted by this universal swoot sweetener ener more mothers aln yoke voke its old aid for children it Is a pleasant thing to take yet neutralizes more acid thin th in the harsher things too often employed tor for tile purpose no household should ie be without it i phillips la Is the genuine lional product physicians endorse tor for general use the name Is important of magnesia has been tile 0 S registered trade mark of the charles il chemical co and its predecessor de cessor charles II 11 since 1875 mi k 01 0 1 esia d cj abil A CRY C ry I 1 n ot add re w ka fo X sots I 1 W NEW IM it may be the little stoma sto cN it may be the bowels are sluggish no matter what coats a mita childs we tn e child grows older if you to tongue ville its a safe and sensible want to ra raise ise i bo boys Ys an and d girl I 1 precaution to give a few drops of strong systems that will ward off castoria this gentle regulation constipation stick to good old of the little system soon sets castoria and give nothing things I 1 togs to rights A pure vegetable stronger when theres any irregularity P preparation I 1 part K inh I 1 that C cant nt harm a wee except on I 1 i the adai advice beof of a infant t but bu t bri brings quick comfort doctor castoria is sold in every ev even when it 1 is colic diarrhea drugstore and the genuine always or similar disturbance bears chas H fletcherr fletchers Flet Fiet chers chees signature and dont forsake castoria as on the wrapper 41 N V 4 A a er tto 1 k A any COLD C WW am that cold may lead to something somei hino serious if neglected the time to do something for it is now dont wait until it develops into bronchitis take two or three tablets of bayer aspirin as soon as you feel a cold coming on or as soon as pos possible after it starts bayer aspirin will head off or relieve the aching and feverish fv erish feeling beelin will W ill s stop to the beada lie adache abe and if your throat is affected dissolve disso fv two or three tablets in a quarter glassful of warm water and gargle this quickly soothes a sore throat and reduces inflammation and infection read proven directions for foi neuralgia for rheumatism and other aches and pains genuino genuine bayer aspirin is harmless to the heart BAy WE A EBI IMP it ala N A rift to 1 tho the mark curie of et buyer bayer of of finds F ads youths fountain one thing has haa contA contributed buted J more diore than anything else in ray my life toward making me the radiantly happy woman I 1 am today writes mrs walter ruch buehl of glenbrook Glen brook conn if this was selling at ten dollars a bottle instead of the few cents it costs I 1 would serape scrape the money together and I 1 dont mean V maybel maybe 1 1 I guess a good many others feel the same way judging by the euln number of people I 1 know who swear ear by I 1 r P e this fountain of youth millions of people all over the world have discovered this simple secret which is nothing but giving our bodies the internal lubrication that they need as much as any machine one happy woman tells after you have taken bujol he discovered it for a few days and have pro proved to yourself how it brightens your whole life you will wonder how so simple matter how long you take ake t it it is ia a treatment can make such a great not nob a medicine rne dicine it contains no drugs change in your health and your it forms no habit it is non fattening happiness tho the reason is this try bujol yourself and see how regularly as clock work dujol much better you feel get a bottle clears out of our bodies those poisons in its sealed scaled package at any drug we all have them which slow store and be sure its us up male make us headachy low in our INu bujol jol it costs but a few cents minds and it makes you feel like a million colorless and tasteless us as puro dollar sl start taking bujol this very water bujol cannot hurt you no nighal J just US t a shake or two completes the rhe ua toilet 10 always maln time to dust duet on a little cm OB as a finishing touch to your toilet au fragrant and antiseptic it absorbs don and nd refresh ii a end and cools coole the a skin kin making your toilet al complete you yon will like it everybody does talcom be gnp t so ise OW ointment artt am and d iett efon potter tuf A a Wr adl vui mi |