Show MINING possibilities OF SAN JUAN COUNTY old time e miner a and d P prospector tor gives vilen tur rositor rosl views w g of f future e of u countes Coun tys underground wealth nature cleverly hides her secrets from man but the intelligent pros pe ct or aided by the metallurgist and mining men with capital have re vented many of her secrets to be given to the world for the benefit of humanity copper that most useful of all ores is now being mined in large quantities at the big biff indian mine A recent strike S in the main lead or ledge edge shows a four loot foot lead of metallic copper with numerous knife wade stringers of almost pure native copper in fact so pure that it could be easily beaten with a hammer on an anvil into branding irons to be used for branding cattle as many of us e cowboys 0 w boys lid in the good old days I 1 of plenty p 1 e nty of cows in the BOB and bold old pioneer days we picked up this native copper along the hillside where the big indian mill now stands and being neither prospectors metallurgists geologists or miners but I 1 just common cow servants we did no not t pay much attention to where it carne came from but thought it hap happened perica to be placed there for our especial berie benefit fit at the time however it has now been uncovered by the big indian mines company in doing som monib leal mining with modern air drills thus one more of natures secrets has been uncovered and in the near future I 1 predict that this mine will be one of the he greatest copper mines in nil all ahn th west that will furnish employment for many pen nan and will nip community county state and aid altion in providing prosperity the old cashin mine just over the state line lina on la sal creek will soon start up with a considerable force oi 01 men by mancos colo parties and plenty of capital they will build a 1 road caid up la sal cree creek k three miles to intersect the main highway beaw between an la sid sal and paradox and will haul their stores out via nia la sal to thomp sons sells to be shipped to smelter at garield utah kJ wi JT M the V U S company vanadium mill dry valley is also to start up as soon as new machinery can be installed t 1 I I 1 ed a and nd soi some I 1 I 1 road work can be completed at lisbon valley there is a considerable quantity of copper silver ore mined and ready to be shipped awaiting road to be done before ore can be shipped with copper which has held its present price of 1765 for a year ant and a half and future prospects of a good demand with an assured protective tariff on vanadium carn offic and iab it and silver makes make for prop prosperity crity for the entire west san juan bointy as it does docs a vast ril nl leral wealth of copper fd od sit sil or er camo tite vanadium vann diun aril and its many associates of rare minerals such lis as meta rosite specimens of which I 1 have sent to the bureau of mines and the smithsonian institute washington D C where they are now on dillay will help some I 1 trust to nd advertise vertise thi mineral resources resource ol 01 son san juan county juith an assured highway to 10 galup gal up new Bl mexico exico in the very near future which will cheapen che a pen our tr transportation a disport a to the great markets of southern california the best market in the west where they need our coal manganese farm products sheep cattle and hogs bogs at good food prices with nature helping us with plenty of moisture believe it il or not as ripley kipley the great cartoonist would remark san juan county will enter into a new era cra and the dream of a railroad from thompsons Thomp sons to gallup by ui early pioneers plon cers will be at last realized reali sed for when we get our highway complete it w will ill be much better for us than any railroad rail ra rond could possibly be to us iri in the way ay of quick FRANK SILVEY lisbon valley san juan county utah |