Show OF RESPECT TO AIRS MAUDE A PALMER whereas A beloved and devoted of tle the tl e rebus rota club ila lias iven taken brorn us in the death of his maude blonde A palmer on the day of february 1030 1930 and whereas she has worked faithfully and untiringly for the i n and I 1 development of our club anil and community I 1 for many years having been a teacher and principal in air i schools parent president pies ident of the faient beachem association judge of tile the juvenile Juc nilo court chairman chai iman of the local chapter of the red crosa and president ot ol the eastern utah district of Won lenS clubs and I 1 whereas in her contact with young soung people she die giai baa been an inspiration and mi an example in courtesy couite sv sportsman lip hip refinement and generosity therefore bo be it resolved that wo we tile the merri mem bers of tile the rebus rota club emulate the fine exam example pl of her life and cherish the guide lights to progress that she has left binning bin ning for foi our use that we extend to tle bereaved bei cawl and family our deep felt sympathy and encouragement and be it further resolved solved ic that a copy of these resolutions be given to the family that they be recorded in the Illi minutes of our club and printed in the san juan record REBUS ROTA CLUB MABEL KELLER ANNA REDD committee |