Show BUNDING BLANDING department LOCAL INDIAN SCHOOL TOBE BUILT edwin Z black local indian superintendent in has announced that plans are arc under consideration for a school for the utes and aiutes and perhaps a number of nearby navajos cavajos in this immediate locality the mesa below has been looked aver over for the batet situation and a suitable location for the indians to io live ad on which to build a school appropriations between seven and ten thousand dollars have be been made under the becom me menati nation on of the superintendent of the consolidated uto agency a ignacio colorado E J Pea eore in addition to this appropriation mr air black says the indians have promised to do consider considerable aV work on the job of the rougher sort he says the utes and some of the navajos cavajos of this part have asked him to take their children when this school is finished the school schol a has built up f from rom twenty students until now it ft I 1 is 5 tilled filled to capacity with one hundred 8 sixty the expense of transportation and run avais and all such troubles incident to taking children so BO far away avay from their parents will bo be eliminated ellmina tied with the ae local school they will be able io to live with their parents litre bere and the older indians will receive great good from their instruction no doubt several buildings will be constructed here besides the school building buil dinc this county has s ail an indian population of from seven aeeti dundr hundred eato to one thou thousand sand fluid all the children of till this s number should start this school out with a n conid considerable erable enrollment this school according to local men has the possibility of growing to consider considerably aMy larger proportions than the school this would seem very true as that agency has a population of bal only apu fpu h undred hundred tendency I 1 I 1 t of the indians over the entire west is toward education and the schools are doubling up to their utmost capacity the last few years according to the indian supe visors it can hardly be expected tt ill make moke good citizens of supposed former outlaws bu but uncle sam sa r n is i doing it with his own race why should he not do it with his wards the native amer icons if you are opposed to indian education you are a buck and this work is s a part of our democratic institution of government so lets all bp be honest and fair with the indian they them are gaining citizenship and will some day show us the power of their votes and soon at that some one the other day was astounded by seeing a washing on the line in a ute camp seven years of supervision under mr black has been the most peaceable and progressive seven jamrs caara in their experience with the ute tribe according to the old settlers sett leis of this county andthil and this work is just now beginning does any man begrudge the indians their five dollars per month maintenance or their eighty pounds of flour per year or twelve pounds pound of and a little sugar and soap we wish the new school well and hope every one will i be consistent boosters boasters bo for indian welfare in san juan county |