Show UTAH BRIERS BRIEFS construction on the nolan Deaver creck creek federal aid project ached aled for or completion july 1st ast will ix of gravel Tre re monton several thousand dot lars lara will be ba spent in improving th cl city ty cemetery including installing ol 01 a water system and improving thi th roads sugar alouse an agreement lint iia been reached for tin an improvement district estimated at a cost of price A three inch additional surfacing of 0 gravel Is planned for the federal aid project in price canyon cany on CA casto to gate oiling of a two ml mile e stretch stretch of road joining the end of the pavement pay ement at the lower end of castle castl gate will be effected shortly kieper the new bridge over the price river Is now cow la in use a price over GO 50 canvasses of outstanding StIll contemporary attests of utah and other states will ba on exhibition fit at the richfield nigh high school tor for two weeks Spring Title A gathering of persons heard tin an adress on su porting the industries of utah cisco the sheep shearing plant has bits contracted for shearing head and it Is expected that number will increase to lefoie beffie the season begins april 10 kandib contract Is let for construction ot of 75 miles of state highway la in the clive cave uke canyon fit at a cost ot of over construction to start at once magna the granite school district boud board of education incurs indebtedness duess to meet deficiency clency necessary to complete present school year by a vote ot of the taxpayers of the district pleasant grove purchase of an entire city block for site of tile new junior high school at provo Is reported at a cost of provo seven residences located on site of new junior high school bull building ding will be sold to the highest bidder the houses to be removed immediately as construction on school building will begin in the very near mear future murray new mayor A townsend Town inaugurated inaugurates atea ates a city wide clean up and health improvement campaign to continue on indefinitely ogden utah canners association announces at executive session that the tomato acreage in 1030 1930 will exceed 1929 as contracting Is complete cedar city preliminary work Is completed for the organization of a 8 S southern utah poultry association payson work will begin at once on construction cons of a new ward chapel building flock owners ot or sheep as well as small lierd herd owners la in cache county lave have joined t the he wool growers operative cooperative co marketing association cia tion richmond A pound wool cooperative Is being sought in this district belsham bri ham city wheat growers in a meeting at tremonton Tre monton formulated a plan for operative cooperative co marketing A list or signers feig ners to talling over 40 has bas been secured which assures a unit tor for the district morgan contract has been let on construction of miles of gravel road of federal old aid standard in weber calyon between morgan and ilene ter at a total cost of cedar city work will soon boon start on oil gravelding gra velling and oiling of miles of flirl federal aid road between ash creek bridge and toquerville fit at an all estimated cost of over pleasant grove plans are under way tor for extensive exten she beamut beautification of the tha shalto tabernacle grounds richmond this city has filed application with state engineer tor for the tha use of six second feet ot of water from boulder ranger hanger pine and birch creek springs in cache county nepal Wool growers and shearing c corral aral managers met here bere find and passed resolutions ming fixing price of shearing a at t 12 cents pe per r head and board mantl right ot of way has been obtained tor for federal old aid project tor for 70 miles 0 of highway between mand and nine mile brighom city about two hundred thousand trout try fry have been taken from the hatchery find and placed in the nursery ponds in manton BIant nn whore where they will bo be led fed a year and then placed in paradise creek find and boxelder Box elder streams union pacific will at 0 once begin extensive betterment work in 1 a the th state on tracks and equipment vinta the ahe contract tor for GOO COO new refrigerator friger ator cars for union pacific has been let logan the summer ses session sion ot of the agricultural collego college will begin on june julie 9 0 four horses birn barn and farm equipment was destroyed by a fire and without insurance protect protection lon white hocks A community house Is to be erected elected lere here by the episcopal Upla eopal church cache county Is on its way toward arranging a big celebration for day this year vt ft douglas memorial day this year Is to be celebrated here with the proper of nt the grave of gen patrick 11 connor state university A celebration was held here march 21 to mark the beginning of 0 wok on the new liew enginger ing building madr morgan an thil city held a celebration on the arrival ot of natural ous gas ogdon seven hundred veteran employees e in of the union pacific held bold a reunion here delta D elta A county school day Is to b celebrated ure here may 2nd and |