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Show I' . : ' ... ' -t r - s - ' . -I ; v - r ; : V. " -f - '" - . - V-.- : V : MR!!Y PARKS PORTRAYS AL .IOLSOX, in the new screen version of the lite of the long-time stage and movie great. "The .()!, on Story, ' now playing a the Centre Theatre, is filmed in ' vi'Muiit tec hnicolor. Nov, at Centre One it the mo.-t ."olorful ; ovics to come out of Hollywood ! in recent years is "The Jolson j Story." now playing at the Cen- : .... Playing the part of Al Jol-sc:-! In this musical extravaganza is Larry Parks, a comparative screen newcomer who nevertheless neverthe-less walks off with top honors for his accurate and entertaining entertain-ing portrayal of the great bal-ladeer. bal-ladeer. Filmed in technicolor t h e movie starts off with the story of Al's boyhood and moves from thnre. showing the highlights of his life, some bringing tears, i and many bringing laughter. To j all who lived through those days "The Jolson Story" will bring nostalgic memories. To the younger ones the movie will j open an exciting chapter of the past. Jolson's singing, through Larry Lar-ry Parks, of "April Showers'' and "Mammy" is superb to ajl admirers of his technique. Evelyn Eve-lyn Keyes, as the romantic feminine fem-inine part in Jolson's life, deserves de-serves plaudits for her fine acting. act-ing. With the 20th anniversary of sound motion pictures approaching approach-ing it is especially fitting that "The Jolson Story" is being shown.' It was Al Jolson who contributed more than any other entertainer to the initial successes suc-cesses of sound in moving pictures. pic-tures. He turned his back on a successful Broadway career to help pioneer the development of Hollywood's 1927 innovation. |