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Show I Sontheasterners In The Neivs - By ELATXE A. CAXXOV The whole town lias been talking about the cute party sonic of Ihe younger younger set participated in this week. It's been a 10-year tradition since within one week of 'hristmas, five brand-new mothers met in a maternity ward in the LDS hospital. Each year a party has been held. This year on their 10 birthdays, Mrs. Arthur ). Clark, 4. TOO Russell St., Holladay, served the youngsters heaps of ice-cream, cake and birthday presents. The party was 'held Saturday. The quintet consists of Jo Ann Cord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon E. Ford, 1128 Kensington Ave., born Dec. 10; Norman Brown, son of Mrs. Arch Carter, 10.-.- 27th South, born Dec. 15; Lyneve Wilson, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Lynn R. Wilson, 1004 Harvard Ave. born Dee. 10; Carol Ann Lindsay, Lind-say, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lindsay, 112 L St., horn Dec 17; and Kent Clark son of Mr. and Mfrs. Clark, Holladay, born De 17. Happy birthday to yon all! A pretty smart crop of infants in-fants have come to several southeastern homes. They wanted want-ed to lie here in time for the Santa Claus show. One or two jumped the gun but all are doing do-ing very well now, thank you. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Benedict, Bene-dict, 935 Logan Ave., are making mak-ing preparations for their new son. A very special package 'neath the gaily decorated tree in the I Silas Kerchner home this week. j will be the new -son and heir i born this week I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Webster, 300 E. noth So. have a son who will share natal day honors with j Mr. and Mrs. Blaine H. Love-dahl's Love-dahl's new baby boy. Lovedahls live at 2159 South 17th East. It's a blue layette that Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Gunn prepared for their little newcomer. Mrs. Gunn is the former Gwen Kigby. The Gunns live at 1375 Tenth ( East St. Gordon C. Woodbury had an exciting birthday a week ago . . . his was Flriday the thirteenth. Got his picture in a downtown newspaper on account of the trick fate played on him this year. Gordon says he doesn't believe in superstitions and stuff and so figures the day was no more eventful than in other years. Congratulations and happy bErthday wishes to Mrs. Earl N. Besinger. Mrs. Besinger keeps house for her family at 2312 E. 28S0 South. Here's an item about romance such as only southeasterners know it, when one of our com-tnuniity com-tnuniity marries ajiotber of our community! Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rose, 1747 White Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, daugh-ter, Miss Francine Rose, to Grant Calvin Glazier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glazier, 1854 Clay-bourne. Clay-bourne. Jan. (i is the wedding date and they'll be married in the Salt Lake temple. Then Grant plans to leave on an LDS mission. Phyllis Swenson has had her engagement to William M. Plott announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Swenson, 6678 23rd East. These two don't expect ex-pect to be married until Mr. Plott finishes the U this June. Personality plus is what Westminster students say Ralph Miller and Pearl Nacenta have. To demonstrate it, they presented present-ed them awards far being the possessor of the most pleasing personalities among the student body at a "mistletoe hop" held Saturday evening, Dec. 14 in the Pa3rne Gym. Ralph, a navy veteran vet-eran and freshman student, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ru-dolph Miller, 1036 Wilson Ave. member of the Westminster Language club, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Nacenta of Payson. Rich Warner and sister, Emma Lou, are making sport headlines again. Richard has been placed tops in the 19-16 inteirmountain tennis rankings and second in j Utah state rankings. Emma Lou I placed sixth in the intermoun- tain and third in the state. Sumpin' to be proud of, hmm? These two have fine records in other things as well, you know. Grey matter runs high, they say. They are the college graduate grad-uate children of Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Warner, 1287 E. Crystal Crys-tal Ave. Here is some traveler news for you. Mrs. Grant M. Bennion and her two children, Deanne, 8, and Jim, 5, stopped off to see the youngsters' grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Milton Bennion, 23S5 7lh East street, on their way to Palo Alto where they will meet Grant and move into a brand new home . . . one she has planned plan-ned and built through correspondence. corre-spondence. The new Bennion address is 757 Garland Dr., Palo Alto. Another important nuptial note that we'd like to tell you about is the wedding of Donna Riggs to John X. Bruin. They were married at the home of the 1. idegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bruin, 2011 Westminster West-minster Ave. The new Mrs. Bruin is a daughter of Mr. and Mis. C. L. Xeff, 955 Lincoln St. A very impressive ceremony performed in the Hellenic Orthodox Or-thodox church recently united blonde Terry Floor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Floor, 431 8th Ave. and David Clyde Arnold, Ar-nold, a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Arnold, 2566 6th East Street, in marriage. The newtyweds were honored at a reception in the Newhouse hotel following the ceremony. Dave is a geological student at the U now. H: And more of the same . . . Ruth Ellen (Teddy). Miller, daughter of the W. Morris Millers, Mil-lers, 1064 Windsor St., will become be-come the bride of Glen Roberts, a son of Mrs. George Berryman, 2618 Highland Dir., sometime during the early new year. |