Show GOOD LAND tile the crawford Craw tord land is advertised for bile bale one week f from roni tomorrow saturday sept alth here is a i go golden den opportunity port unity for some of our young men to secure homes on oil easy terms such an opportunity to secure borne bome ol of the choicest land in tins this valley may never occur again rt it should he be bone in mind that there is a good and ready leady market for all products of the farm close at hand band land may probably be bought cheaper elsewhere but it is generally in som some remote district where the distance to market and other d discourage the settler here on the contrary the daud iss is close to the county seat with schools and other blessings of civilization in the vicinity the land is iq of the first quality with good irrigating iiri gating canals can alsand and ditches and some of it has been planted to lucern timber for fuel and other purposes is easily obtained obtain cd and some of the best grazing land in the state is close at hand band by a little work this fall a crop could be secured next nest year we e have been assured that enough people can call be abt obtained f froni roin iowa and other eastern states to settle the whole ot of this land but the present holders would much rather see western men take hold as they are used to irrigation aud and the best methods in ill use in the west for successfully raising crops besides being insured to the climate some of these eastern people will be at the sale and we again repeat it would be well for those requiring homes to carefully consider this offer here a livelihood is assured cis to the industrious from the start in other places years may pass before the same letuli iesue could be obtained |