Show A treat great commotion seems scorns to havo have taken place aanon among railway circles owing to a contemplated through gli car sonvico between tho the pacific coast and chicago which is to operate one day eail each week this is not a now departure by any means ast as the beDen denvor denver rio grande R railroad tail road company anil and its connections havo been operating a through car service between tho the pacific and atlantic coasts via salt lake pueblo denver kansas city and chicago for years and three days each cveck viz TN every wednesday Thur thursday stay and friday evening 7 tho he cars for this through service arbot odthe tho lit litt latest t pullman acci design it at a aro are supplied with new clean elicit and bedding throughout A rul Ful linan porter Is isas assigned si to each car these cars are under tinder tho personal supervision of a sr ecial excursion agent whose duty it is to see that passengers pass aro are givin given y colaro it and attention atlon tion for apply to any agent antor ag or to B P r general agent or to II if SI AT dishing cushing traveling passenger agent D 1 11 r railroad 53 55 west second south street 00 salt t lako lake city utah |