Show BRYAN AT HOME says 14 1 a live lobele in tile lincoln LID coin neb aug 31 lion ilon W J bryan arrived home today from his lecturing tour the journey has consumed three mouths months lie ile was greeted with great acclaim throughout the state as lie approached his journeys journey s end and his arrival here was the signal for people to gather at the repot and hurrah for the apostle of bimetallism sir mr bryan declared that his trip had been a success in every respect and had bad there been such had bad there that at no place an enthusiastic reception as in nebraska towns ue he thought the silver sentiment had bad if anything received an impetus in clio past few months at any rate he found it flourishing bimetallism lie he asserted would be as live an issue three years hence bence as it was last fall and would be found to be a much more powerful argument in securing the ballots of the masses the prosperity of I 1 nebraska he conceived to be due clue vil wholly lolly to the good crops and that the prosperity pios pio purity incident thereto was vas absolutely in spite of the republican tariff and the success of the gold party |