Show COUNTY COURT special session of county court held aug 30 1897 all commissioners i t present minutes ol of last session read and 8 approved A letter from the county commis i of weber county was read in relation to the state appropriation f 1 for roads the clerk was instructed 4 ft to write to john seaman at ogden informing him that the county com missioners ners would meet in logran logan on F friday sept 3 1897 at 10 a m seaman to notify the cache valley comma the road corn com of woodruff was or 1 dered to fix up the dry hollow road I 1 r bridge with rocks and bridge abut ments 0 I 1 petition of 0 jacobson and thirl eteen teen others tor for reopening of road I 1 south of big creek was granted aid the road ordered to be four rods wide randolph road corn com was ordered to fix the bridges on tipton land as soon as aa the clerk was waa instructed to notify the school districts of the taxes to wit county school tax 3 mills woodruff special tax 10 mills randolph Is it 5 laketown Lake town 41 44 21 meadowville Meadow ville 11 id 5 A garden city 11 41 21 round bound valley 1 44 21 resignation of geo hall as J P for garden city accepted L court adjourned until monday sept j |