Show cuban Erp expedition edition tampa fla aug 3 SO 0 tho the espedia that left during the night was delayed somewhat by a washout on the plant system the party parly did not embark on the tug at cleveland until midnight lit when it set sail the train arrived at cleveland at 1135 11 35 p in and seventy cubans landed w with ill ther their baggage each had bad a valise and many had bundles they bore no arms the cubans are arc very much elated but many of them are fearful of the results of an expedition that starts un iler spanish colors tile the spaniards are pleased for they pi predict edict that an expedition starting under spanish colors is likely to end under them the revenue cutter forward arrived at port tampa and sig nalcy at once calling capt rodgers ashore whereupon consultations were wera heldrith held with the treasury officials the cutter still remained at anchor at dark |