Show DUELING IN ITALY criminal proceedings against eleven deputies in rome italian deputies have constituted the majority of each of the three peace congresses held in recent years in rome and they have written and published a whole literature of pamphlets eill entitled aled down with weapons the universal reace peace war abolished etc at the samo time they have remained the most pugnacious lot of parliamentary parliament dry depre in the world hardly a session of parliament passes without wit houta a dozen or more duels among the members coming to general notice and proba probably as many more are fought and finished in secrecy at present says the new york yoa sun criminal proceedings have been begun against eleven cleven deputies for forduc duels ls fought liy by them last summer deputy roux must answer for his hia participation in two meetings the other ten are charged with one duel each in four meetings blood flowed although nobody was injured mortally T the lie other duels were vere concluded without pain or peril to anybody statistics for ten years in italy show that the deputies do not misrepresent their country by their readiness to settle disputes with weapons between 1880 1860 and 1800 1890 1 duels were fought of these 2480 were fought with sabers with pistols and 00 with rapiers lapiers ra piers fifty duels resulted in death 1060 in severe wounds 1400 in slight wounds in cases newspaper articles and in cases oral disputes gave cause for meetings in meetings there was a woman in the case in a blow was yas struck in 29 differences as to religion were to be settled in ia 19 gambling caused the quarrel since the beginning of 1800 1890 when dueling wati was made punishable imi for from three days to three months the number of meetings has decreased in IWO 1890 but duels were fought and in 1691 1801 only the fact that eleven deputies are arc being prosecuted for violating the law shows that dueling is a national pastime which italian gentlemen will not cot abandon without a struggle str host alost ol of them still stand fast in the spirit of the neapolitan nobleman who after having fought thirty duels to defend his opinion that dante was waa a greater poet than peare confessed confes bed bedon on his deathbed that lie he had never read the works of either |