Show STATU STATE OF OHIO rity tf or TOLEDO LUCAS COUNTY ss frank J cheney makes oath that he la the senior partner of the firm of F J cheney co doing business busine s in tho the city ot of toledo county and state aforesaid and that said firm will dinv inv ivi the suin 0 of ONE HUNDRED for each and avei eveia y case ot of cala irli rh that hint cannot be ba cured by alio use of halls catarrh cure FRANK J sworn to before 0 me and subscribed in my ice this ah day of december A D seaq seal seab A W GLEASON notary italis catanh cure is 13 taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of 0 the system sen seni i tor for testimonials mo nials flee F J CHENEY i CO toledo Tol edoO 0 sold gold by tic hairs family pills are arc thi the best dionn sang ings bank IS ink and ami trust corn amir of kos 1 3 and 5 main street salt lake city utah row now have on oil deposit more than a million arid and a halt half doll dollars irs they pay 5 per cent interest per annum arid and compound the interest four times it a year deposits nrc aro sent from all parts of the united states have you an account I 1 if not start an account NOW women and children have the right to deposit in their own name subject to their on olin order write for any information needed sl 1 and upward received WILFORD WOODRUFF president GEORGE td CANNON cashier prospectors aap iap or of utah the passenger department of tho the wo rio grande railway has just issued an up to date map chow ing all mining linins districts of record together with an outline sketch of the older districts and calling special attention to several partially developed regions which recently have shown important un coverings of gold and copper now attract attracting in noti notice coot ot prospectors investors end and others for copies ot of this valuable map address F A G P A salt lake lahe city pm 31 ra DR G W SHORES T ta ke oldest la in tho the wt M ENI 0 OT E D C 9 L L A R EAR E E D B rz U anal T I 1 L Y C U are V 7 DR 0 IV SHORES always seeking coln to help ir mankind always trying to convince con vinco people that lr lie gives elves value rl re calved tn for ertly dollar paid him hil hai ii elied to give quackery araa raud ana A imposition its death blow ana protect tho froan tho tha of quacks awl ch latana every suLl eror ram L M ga sas U ta L 1 B HOOD seminal weakness Verlo Hydro 1 syphilis Gonor rhota stricture str lure small or organs ore ans premature t ure old aare sad hid ull other private whether caun d by lenor arce excer 13 or cr coate orion fon no matter how flow saver aabert you con can consult DR 0 IV SHORES IOnES ST th the elai clan isho ha hns llvell hla to is life to curtner chronley decease dl di cease tease aria ba examined ad aa va ald 9 treated and cur cured uit lout paying elm m ono one dollar until tho the curs cure is 1 effected th he doctor re reserved serven the li rl t however however to refuse any incurable Incur ablo caso if lie he can cani cure you u he dont want your labney f iome buob an offer was nevor batore mode made by il P end nd dr 0 W la 13 wily only able to 0 make it because he b positively cur cures thi these diseases dant another cent on doe doc tuf but consult tho old boctor azo tt be aured BUSINESS CON IN ewla IT R III I 1 T B B E I 1 salt dr lock 0 lake W box SHORES ity 1585 utah 1000 00 S I 1 I 1 all or your share of it if you find the M missing issing word schillings ali ng s best besl tea lea i is not nol only pia pure e but 1 it is F because i it is fresti roasted i what is the missing word get schillings best tea at your grocers take out the yellow ticket there is one in every package send it anith ith your guess to address below before august 31 st one word allowed for each yellow ticket if only one person finds the word he gets one thousand dollars it if several find it the lie money will be divided equally among them every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest those sending ending three or more in one envelope will i ill receive a charming 1898 calendar no advertisement on it besides this thousand dollars we will pay I 1 each to the two persons persona who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between june une 15 and the end of the contest august Z aist cut this out you won inon t see it again ba address schillings BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO GEO CEO BL 11 SC SCOTT JAS glendinning IL S president deriL vice president and groag secretary geo M see cott at co importers r 3 end K ff dealers in c iroe bar ir anci sheet jhc ea iron drori astl steel t 1 ripe AGENTS FOR FOK buffalo scale company detroit stove co atlas engine works john van home steel ranges range bodao ra 0 d wooden I 1 booden pulleys coles air tight heaters california 1 i r nia powder works worthington steam pumps celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere rubber go co engine oil dod dodo dodde 1 o injectors Inject ors howe drowns brown co drill tool steel lev leviathan ia than belting miners tools stoves etc and a general assortment of mill findings STORE STOK m 1 MAIX ST WAREHOUSE SE 15 W SECOND SOUTH sall CITY X UTAH dikil elias morris ana sons kompany Gom pany ar MONUMENTS and T marble and granite G 3 mantles grates G rates etc cs i r t salt aali lake cita WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS sportsmans SPORTS MANS headquarters base dall football and a full line janc of it athletic goods it if you dont know what you wont trant send for our new catalo catalog gae je tree free for or the askin new and second aiana bicycles at remarkably low prices SALT ar mke F 1 SRO BROS AND OGDEN it ty aress A i broel and steel lined trial to reliable parties and prices dr D liseo Morl dian alm ehino shops BOX ac meli dlan live stock commission I 1 ou cu would keep write tor for information prompt replies quick returns FRED A SEARS mccornick block SALT LAKE LA ICE CITY A CO cp SALT LAKE alry UTAH beoka 0 ka and periodicals prepaid to desti at g bars cricos atit of town ratus ou on icat onery pince and general sup piles sd ns s your orders C can a bo be removed without pain or blood bloomil it your CORNS fet hurt sou lit at any time c como 0 m e u and n tee me andl 11 alvo luu foi droit ur jjr W V 1 11 i J JACOB AC 0 j r 0 0 in 1 au 1 dooly 00 Y tuu block 10 e k 1 V 0 bu building alding salt L anko a 1 city ulah g n no I 1 H fu F 1 against aint abo claims elal I 1 MS H will vm arile to u angi atly 01 1 A V ct DU buiey a prompt reply VEW DISCOVERY gha W EX airik copsy r B 9 woal c casca ea bend for book of t awl and 10 da s treatment nt aree df cr i 4 to dojny any man MA WILL PAY FOR ANY CASK of weakness la in men blen they treat and fail to cure care an omaha company places for or the fermil time before the public a MAGICAL TREATMENT for the curo cure ot of lost vitality nervous end and sexual weakness and restoration ot of lite life force in old and young men no worn out french remedy contains contain no phosphorous or other harin harmful ful drugs druga itis it is a magical in its it artents positive tive in its cure all readers reader who aro are suffering pring frow from a weakness that baights blights their ze e caging that mental and Euf sut fering peculiar to lost manhood should arito to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY omaha neb and they will ilond you absolutely FREE a paper on t these 11 diseases and positive proofs proof of their ti uly MAGICAL TREATMENT thousands of mon men who nybo have lost all hope hop of a cure are being restored by them to a pr por feet act condition this MAGICAL may be b eka at homo home under their directions or they will wili pa pay via fare fara and hotel bills bills to ali all who prefer fer to 9 go 0 there for or treatment if they fal tail to cur cure e they are p have no vree free pres prescriptions free cure cur free sample or C 0 1 take they hv have cu curl pital tal and guarantee to our cure avory case they ahey treat or i eftink every dollar vary or their charges may bo be deposited in 4 bank to be paid to teem when aheu a ure ur is i acotto acot td writa teem today CURE CUE YOURSELF 1 CURES ix llie bic a i fr for 1 1 6 discharges owa or ulc a 0 e of lancour pleats and nd bot astria I 1 1 two CHEMI CALCO sent ten t or pol olEo aou cincinnati sold b bylott ar A or sent in plain wrap Kirs ty 11 ex preen preiss td fur tl i no ai or I a bot bottan ties 01 75 il circular rhular nut aul ua elk CAN SAVE YOU TO afo write tritt hi for ulu MIA ATE ST R aa LE demilto TAILED AT T WHOLESALE F RICES ONE WED FREE of il YUR EST SHOE go CO ak MORPHINE and WHISKY WHIM HABITS OPIUM hac afrin lliott lahi J V 1 W N U salt lake no na 36 1897 chett ad blen mention tion this paper |