Show 1 DARING JAIL JA L B REAK BREAK rl alv prisoner onera escape em hiim lv leading abig tile the N ight jailor locked up ip leadville Lend ville colo aug 30 3 A daring jail ail brea from the county jail occurred nero acre at p in five fire prisoners made their escape and the night jailer at a late hour is locked up in the jail while the prisoners who escaped made way with the keys to both the outer and inner doors the prisoners who escaped are the two bohannon b Or brothers others charged with the murder of deputy sheriff fahey J B D spann charged with rape james bristol charged with forgery and jim dawson charged with assault with in intent to kill when night jailer martin entered the corridor to make his rounds spann who was walking in the ilia corridor jumped upon him and clapped his hands back of him lie ile was wa at once joined by the two to bohannon hannon Ho brothers who dragged the jailer to the rear ol of the cells where they bound liim him A big posse has started in pursuit |