Show minina NOTES NOTE S the united states is now producing pounds of copper daily the district is showing tip mp ionic fine ledges of free milling ore mr thomas lloyd present utah mine inspector and ex sheriff of carbon county has departed for klondike da the golden dream group of mines minca in san juan county utah have been sold to denver parties who mill w ill at ince begin the erection of a ten stamp mill the lily of the west rica near r eureka reports report a rich strike in in an eight foot vein rein there is ii 0 worth of ore or on the lie dump and a spur will be built to connect ct with the railroad A company at whose head is thomas A edison the electric has purchased the kinle y tin mine near sheridan wo in addition sixty new locations have been made A miner named jim mccarther Cartner Mc found a nugget on soda creek near shasta retreat cal which weighed it was it a beautiful specimen being perfectly smooth and shaped like an eg egg gg the diggings at which the bagget nog get vas ivas found have been worked for 20 years rears J T van nan smith prescott ariz h has patented a contrivance to save the line fine gold which ordinarily escapes from froin it a stamp mill the device consists of several sets of silver plated wire screens kept in motion by a small water wheel operated by the water running through the sluice it is ii practically automatic in operation dan and robert page of little pinto in iron Utah are feeling elated over a valuable discovery recently made by them about six miles north of the page ranch the deposit is a contact in blue lime and porphyry arid and besides good lead values the ore runs as high as ounces in silver to the ton this is a promising prospect and the owners are arc puishing work in its development advices advises from the willow springs district report that a fine body of high grade ore has been struck in ili tho the pride of utah assays essays have been taken from the ore showing values ranging from to SOO ounces silver 57 in ili gold arid and 23 per cent lead to the ton the owners of the mine believe they have a klondike good enough for the ahem in at home some picked samples have shown values of over 2800 ounces silver to the ton A nugget of gold in was as exhibited at doise boise from the black hornet mine 11 miles from that place it is pure metal excepting one end which is a bunch of quartz quart the value of the nugget is p placed I 1 aced at this gold was found at at a point on a ledge where no wet work had been done clone the black hornet has just been sold to a colorado company of which IV S jackson of colorado springs is the principle stockholder the mine produced a large quantity of ore three years ago but has been idle since entangled in litigation the idaho avalanche says the best mine in owyhee owahee county is owned by john scales his mine is located at old wagon town about two miles below de lamar lle he has a body of ore that runs 87 per ton and has lots of it tons and the ore keeps coming mr scales is not at the expense of mining and crus crushing bing his bis ore it floats down and piles up at no expense whatever and tho the cost of getting gettin it into liis his mill is only 13 11 cents per ton mr scales has a bi big reservoir and for six six 3 ears has been corralling the tailings from the de lamar mill it is said that by the action of the chemicals air and water the pulp by the time mr scales gets it gives up its remaining values with scarcely any loss it at all the salmon river country in idaho seems to be giving up tip its golden treasures in abunda abundance ne the Orang orangeville eville free press tells of two prospectors who came in from the middle fork of the i iver 0 a section that hits has never been explored bringing in a quantity of gold taken out in a few weeks work the amount of their cleanup clean up was close to an interesting feature of the matter is that this gold is babli ed cd from tho the decomposed surface of a mountain which they declare to be all ore tho the mountain is porphyry the gold is found all through it they do not claim the rock is all high grade but they assert that it is all good pay they have been at work there several seasons making small clean ups each year they have taken up tip lo 10 lode do claims and are working work ilig the surface as placers the mountain they call thunder mountain arid and it if it is near as i ich as they claim it to be it I 1 is a great waste of timo time to rush off to klondyke it is estimated by hamilton smith and others who ho have given the subject attention that fully in ill gold yet remains in in the unworked f gravel rea beds that lie between Smarts ville yuba county comity and Granit graniteville eville nevada county cal the Hutchins company at oling house canyon near wadsworth nov clea cleaned lied up the first 13 12 tons toni of placer dirt run through the sluice boxes at wadsworth last week it yielded a return of 1 07 or a little over to the ton |