Show S merlin ed to tn hodges hodes was t ti e dail da uliter liter of bro wid anil sister junies james and M jiin eastham Est liam kearl w s amo 9 the first whits white ll arto arto s burn born in Lake toul tortu it august A 24 1870 wed died A gust 25 1896 i 1 ged 2 26 6 years and on one day dav she leaves a alst of and frends and a husta td and two aneil aged tient one donth uio wo nth and three to mourn her lose loa s may abe hand 0 oi allm wiio tempers tiie me wind to the choin lamu camu comfort ioel urt ahse ee who m uru and protect and spare by ilia kind provi lence two little jit ther less lees babis jo nril ilant IR IN lakato n S pt aber 3 1890 1596 |