Show FROM ENGLAND I 1 left my home in utah the I 1 alanl of 01 the eat on tile lle ath ilay of january last as 0 to o gi g in 0 th worl I 1 and ami precis pre cis tle gosp 1 I which ahall stand as a w ciless fi r nil ail nations in tile day of judg juelg m ant lit I 1 arri ed to in liv on the day 0 of january n company wl Is liei ei ht otier oti er ell eld rs ri I 1 wi appoint d to lal la orn or in tile ManCh Maii chesi csT r cun con arenc which I 1 d d for three I 1 was then appo rite I 1 to 10 the barnin harn ham conference Conie rence lam I 1 alu la bonni in tit at tie pros pr s nt timp tim F r oti lit air nth I 1 work d in and a out the sn sit oky region oi 01 wolver ii aplon where i an p g t bour complexion changed ir ire fre e I 1 f cliar w thulia pain pah lit in june I 1 wis app appe cintel inte 1 w tit bro herbert ito ho a ev of ada S da skiing ili to no go into i tie he P tt ry districts 0 nor li it bishire to try to reopen that district which at one tim ila lial I 1 qu te a nuin wr of sain s al albough hough at the present tune time there is n D t 0 0 e but we hut gioie e iris ins de of 0 two tiro with s iab tiie it icil d of 0 our nor beav heavily aly Fai father faglier lier atiat we will be able to give a better at ai count I 1 have maloyed my irry exceed newly well arid hope to continue to do EO th farmers oi 01 en lan I 1 have had a very dry summer to ct ci with bit betttie it the aror s ari ara better thau wai ex I 1 find nry nil all wider cover in some districh s in the district in bibich I 1 labor lebord d lost winter th III griss was beautiful and gren as there wis w is n i snow but the farm rs are ex expecting pectin the coining winter to be a a vure one your bro B R BROUGH |