Show U 4 7 or r JIM fe i arf lt va A nn rv f fe 1 at L gyl g y ff pJ va 1 l c acl y 1 7 V f v i t ija aam I 1 I 1 www W A to x P mrm lift 11 11 1 edmu l fask f IAN I 1 V ass via Vi W 1 U R t Q wnm 1 4 wai yaw J ass mss to azel water flow regu regulating lating the now flow or of water into tro troughs and tanks is something which causes more or le less leq q anxiety and trouble for the ronson that hint many mada of tho the patent regulators now DONY in the market fall to niora ork satisfactorily for any iong length th of time many man simple homemade devices however can bo be ninde made to work woric the one shown in the illustration which Is front from the american Am ag agriculturist arl lias has a number of strong points ylita I 1 1 rrt FOR WATER TrOUG Iti the water pipe enters near the top of the tank which places the valve out of water thus relieving it of all danger from rust or the collection of sediment Ilo however wever where ne necessary cesary the pipe may enter nearer the bottom of the tank and if the valve is kept clear the device will still serve its pur pobe poNe another point in ia its favor is that if do the valve can be closed just as effectually when the tank Is one cone fourth full as when filled to the brim rim the lower halt half of the long jo jointed ante li lajti lever connecting the valve arid and float lias has a lhormer one ant attached to it the abe upper end of the latter l luivie leaving a 1 number of holes in it by having a hole in the upper half of the jointed lever ard and using a I 1 pin the angle at the joint can be changed at vo will III making fakin it as lar large lare e as possible will necessitate the float being lifted near the top of the tank before fore the valve is entirely closed but liy its decreasing the angle the valve ii ill be closed while the float is still ne near ar the bottom A sealed can or bottle a good float A boarder board or block of wood soon becomes soaked and lu in consequence ol its lifting power is greatly diminished cow peas pc 19 for Soil lne litz As Nort northern berti fa banners become better acquainted with tile the cow pea and its advantages they ire are likely to largely use tle it in conjunction conJunct lon with nith aud and lo partial artial substitution for coin as a I 1 fodder crop it Is much richer than coin in ill nitrogenous nutrition anti and that Is always the kind costly anti and hat hard I 1 to procure besides the hie cow lira gets its nitrogen as clover lies front from air lu in tile the soil it Is one of the legun leguminous inious order of plants all of which have this poll or the chief objection to lo growing cow peas in the north Is the difficulty in ripening their seed one or two kinds will ripen in N now ew eng easland land iu in i favorable season and it if put lu in early hut but we can procure the seed cheaply front from the south ant and if found thy could never ripen its seed they could still afford to grow some every year to feel feed in alternation with nith fodder corn or to put lout in ill the silo it Is not dot however hol vever so good for thu the silo as corn as tile the nitrogenous material of which it Is comp composed oed heats beats too rapidly making it as hard to lave bave sweet as clover cu ensilage silage la Is A movable chicken house A chicken clil clion house that can easily be moved about Is shown bere herewith iNith in size it Is conven convenient lent for a lien hen ind and her ChiC chickens keDS flats lats are in front and tar far enough anait ap aitto to allow chicks to run in and out in front is a base board nailed to ahoLt oin strip extended extends nd from each jell side ou on which chicks chick s may be fed it Is well to provide shade or shell shed rain by a board awning Is as shown 0 4 J ainu s p it n 11 L 1 MOVABLE F A floor to tha coop Is not no nc cessaro ces cessar sary as hens prefer to dust at will A costly job but bill it aas the cost ot of applying paris green ad a protection against potato buss bugs lias has I 1 bee been a estima estimated tad by prof at al 1 surn sum equal to about two cents pe per bral ea cj of the crop at this rate it about a year to insure against potato lugs bugs throughout the acil country atry I 1 that may lie be a little high but what a saving it if the colorado beetle had been stamped out upon its first appearance twenty reals ago A concerted campaign at that time at state and national expense would have done the bu business sl just so we advocate Consi the money to help mas s cb betts tamp stamp out the gypsy moth int a p pest t which that state alone has held in in check for some years at a cost ot of half a tall illon II if allowed to spread over the country the th gypsy egypsy moth would ia do moro damage aall year than potato hums bugs rast hu hus bugs s gras gra shoppers arid anil chinch bugs put t together here Is n I 1 chance chanca for to good purpose and in it n way that mould benelli tuo the whole country farni I 1 ani and home corn in succession cession plaiting pla lil sonic some of the very earliest sweet corn on rich land the last ot of april it Is po possible sIble to have it on oil tile lie table from the middle of july until long after frost has nipped dipped the loaves leaves it is the late lie varieties of corn like iver brorn r 0 eli that aio abc in or tier for late use ric and ami there should be at leat least two plantings of these one for early ind and to ripen seed and III the other late and not intended to at nil all it if the corn is cut before frost ind and the green cars ani s are plucked from the stalk and put in a cool collar cellar the corn will ile be nearly as good most of the vi minter inter as it was in tile the fall wo we know sonic some farmers vilio inho only can or dry coin for late winter anti anil sin in use ns as thel the keep green oars ears of their late latest t planting fit for use until january or of luer later if the lie ears are loft left on oil the stalks they will ripen too much to lie bo in it good condition but if plucked off rind and kept vera ver near down to freezing temperature and in a dry place to prevent mold late evergreen corn can call lie ile kept in condition audition long after frost alad snow have conic american cultivator tiry dry lima deans beans tor for tile table raw few of those nho like the succulent 0 green irce n lima beans know that they are if not equally good at least superior bior to common field boans vi IN lion dried for A winter inter use we used always when rowing growing lonias almas to put it up 1 those that we could not use green ind and the winter supply was usually exhausted before spring we think a profitable biath market et for lima lie beans ins in their dried state can be found in most cities or 01 villages if farmers will tell their city friends how good they ire are lima beans 1 ins have even when dried much of the rich nutty taste that makes tiler klicin popular when enten eaten green there is another reason also for saving the late beans boa us loft left at the end of the acason on for use in winter they are quite often U used al for seed with the result re suit of nial making the lima iima lioan loan crop each year a little later so that in III sonic some places very few in be tit lit for uso use until frost camo came and nipped the vines vine s the first fruits of anything in ill which c car ar liness Is important should always be used for seed protect Haya lacUs from rain whore where hay is stacked out of doors for several months it will pay to large sheets of old canvas and stretch over the stack pinning the lie corners by driving a peg in ill the stack the plan is a modification of tile sin smaller aller hay bay V I 1 11 1 I 1 W 1 y li A profitable NAY CAPTO cai TO USE calls bied in I 1 lie he field during the hay harvest in lien heu rainy weather suddenly comes on such a 1 I cap will effectually kep kel rain min and snow from tile the hay bay thus rendering it far more I 1 and ail palatable to stuck stoc k rann and ilonie Ri tiding lambs of ticks for sonic time after shearing the be wool on the new shorn cheep will not harbor ticks licks they consequently nl I 1 congregate ceiri co iri regate gite on it llie file 3 z lambs 1 llo liosi wool vol lis ims been gro growing hig sittee birth and mike z a convenient I 1 hiding place our any w y when we kept lac p was to got get 1 quantity ot of tobacco sterns steins and boll tham nial making cing a strong stron decoct decoction lon of the hi tobacco this would kill tile the ticks on all tit alir lambs immersed in it and we e never knew the iambi to be injured thereby ira it a careless plunge the nose no se of the 1 L amb into tle hoe lilii liquid 1 it I 1 t r kulil id be sickened thereby for a lettla while but would soon rt recover cover f hack back giace giave gi aps Sli grape crape vines left duran during tilt the summer exhaust themselves by producing in an ail enormous amount of useless le 3 wood in ill the fall most of the new routs roots me aie cut out arid and those that remain are allowed very few buds into these all the strength of the vine Is thrown throw some socie strong growing varieties like the rogers hybrid have been known to make eighteen to twenty feet of long slim cane it if pinched back when the vine had grown shoots three or four feet lonz long the now canes will be thicker r nad much better prepared to W bear a rep crop the tu fu lOWID lowing year crisfor Crin for sprine tit col trees if halt half the trues trees planted each spring lived through their first season the demand fur for nursery stol stock would not ile he so large as it now Is yet we doubt whether the hie lack of care lu III planting ind and leeping keeping the tiec in condition after planting Is in any way beneficial to tin tilt nurseryman th the C cost ofilio treo tree and I 1 ah 11 the labor bestow bestowed bd upon it 11 be comets a total loss if it lies dies this la Is very discouraging cou ou and after a few such euch exper ments the planter conI concludes udes that fruit growing dont pay which for hm ls Is probably a proper enough conclusion to |