Show it IS is true that thai bicycles s ire are sold hold in japan for 23 25 in silver 11 willell Is equivalent to about 13 ill n gold but tile the sa same ule und kind of a 1 bicycle might bo be made anil and sold bold for that price in ill this country it Is s i a client cheap affair with a light frame and poorly mado made which will all answer awer i ery well for use in japan ii here the roads are smooth and the people are arc of small 1 tta tatule tuie but ant it would he be found very poor economy tor any y person pet son to import aln ru ro into the fie united states even at tile the pric named one invoice might be posed of is as a matter of novelty but there bould be no future demand up L p to tile lie alose of there was only ody one bicycle factory in jap lb iii that was loca located tell at yokohama only three or tour men and turned out the or sl iv bicycles cycles a week the they wore were all made of imported material upon stolen patents 1 the only advantage the manu manufacturer fact of 0 those these macil lues has over the bicycle manufacturer of the llie united states Is cheap libor and his to carry on business alles B it at a profit that thir would not be ba accepted by any manufacturer in the united states lie he pays the workmen eu 20 cents a day ayd and if lie c can an get a profit of 1 a day out of its ills whole establishment he Is perfectly satisfied |