Show NOTICE OF TRUSTEES TP SALE jede Je deliah I 1 bah iah na M grant and lucy grant his wife did by their cert ID it d ded ed ot trust elated th ih ilay day of marih 1801 and I 1 on the tha dav of march 1891 in bo k D pazes panes to inclusive of I 1 lie ilie rei in tile office of the alia reorder of deeds of RIIs coors tv in n the t now state stain of utah cot ann cnn ver to willian william H dale as tr trust uste e the following follows ne lied real ral r al estate situate in said paid rich cours counte tv lowit lo to wit south half of not northwest quarter and so iiii hill hall of quarter of section nin 9 To town nhip hip eleven 11 north of range ranga seven 7 east eaf t of salt lake meridian conta conia ning in all acres acrea be elie lie same mote or less accor I 1 ing to t government sory sor y including inc ine luling with tho said bald lan lani I all the wat r which were owed by bv the said eaid it and luv lucy grant at the date data of sati deed 0 trust truit or which wei we F buba quen ly acquire I 1 by tile sal sali ball I jed diali dial M und and luy lu y giant and wel usel in connection with the bil lilii 1 nil wh ch sim conveyance convey anc was made in trust to sedur to tile or ler of the lumbar I 1 ines ant coap ny tile payi payin nent eia of ohp slid said je 1 adlai M a i r 1 lu y grants one ca C tam tain ryno y no e of even da 0 with 1 dred deed of trust for nr t 0 a erinc pal rum of six H I 1 libres I 1 ati friio 10 U D ilas lla e luo due an I 1 payable apil ap il 1 1896 w th in erril l there ther a fron fro ilie lat thereof until matur ty at the rate of alc bi li per ier rent per annum payable awni and with interest Inte reit tharion th trion reo after maturity at th rate ot of twell 12 per rent cent per annum payable aemi annually and whereat it is provided in ia said aid deed of trust that in casa ot of default in the he rit nt of ald 8 id promis iry note or the inz interest erest ori on the hie tri trustee istee shall upon chri ip of the legel hoiler hoier of a ad note te t e 1 and di poso pose of sail said is a and all tile the riz hialit lit title benefit and elu tv 0 r ri dempt n of the Is 8 d di I gedid inh 31 and lucy grant their heirs and asig s therein ther fin in at public au tion at tile the lit in the and for I 1 lie surprises in ad deed Iced of trust arnst stat ti td d after fart giving th fit ltv 30 days daye notice as cartic provi leil led lor for in fit 8 id deed of tru t reference trence re to 10 hah is hereby made for greater certain tv ind and whereas reaB de default ault lia been made in the nt of sai I 1 p antip tl nota of woo and in the viii p ment ol 01 bix ix c upon intel est notes of 18 each due glober OL ober 1 1893 aarl 1 I 1804 october 1 1891 april 1 1693 0 tobar 1 1895 an I 1 april 1 1896 1806 respectively aal said baid principal prin ciral oal not and ami cost coupon pots int rest notes ard ara still past due doe and iiii irl i now kow ther fore notice is hereby given that fiat 1 t tie lie um lers g n fl trustee us 0 a ore sad at the requel lof of the leral lebal holde shirt noe no e anil r nn an I 1 by virtue of d tile the awer p ind authority in me veste I 1 liy by tile said deel of trusts trust will on diy daiy the esth day dar of october at tile ho alinur ur of 10 in tile the coreno ill ol of eai cai I 1 day sell pell the above described property and all I 1 lie liveright right title be benefit befit anti and equito of redemption of the said jedediah 31 and lucy grant their heirs and assigns therrin therein at 4 public c auction for I 1 llie lie highest anti and best prien the same will bring 0 in rash cash at tile lie county court house at randolph in the county of rich state of utah for ile purpose 0 paying said notes doles and interest coup ns ins aud and all costs and expenses of executing this trust WILLIAM 11 DALE trustee first publication Dubli cation sept 4 1890 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS jedediah Jed eiliah bl grant and lupy grant hi hilife bis wife did by their cutain catain deed oi 01 trust dated the 50 day of may 1690 art anil ar reorder rE ordel on tile 8 li it dav of MY iby is in book C pages to incle alke V of if tie beor Is in fit the office of the ree reco ider if f deeds of ri h county Cu in th ahr err tory m n w state of utah toiley to william 11 II dale in iri ira tee the f illon engil scribed ascribed teal estate situate in isaid wit tue tile N quarter of S cdon tw nty one 21 in tonn ton hip beven E 11 north oi 01 range S ven 7 east of i the he salt lake 11 ri lian cental mug infill in nil 10 1 a res b h same more or less according urvey g ni I 1 h tue tile sai sail I 1 land all the w tr ter r gt which nete mere owne I 1 by tile the sad Jele diala 51 an aal 1 lucy grant at the date of said deed of 0 trust nr which were subsequently acquired by bv the iha baid jedediah 21 ani lucy grant aal used in connection ni with ith tue faid bald land which sill said conveyance conveyance was made in t trust rust to secure N curc to ili ilia order oi of tho lombard investment company Conri lany tile the payment ottlie sai I 1 jode jede liaci ill in an i 1 lucy grants one cei ain bory note of even date with said deed of trust for tile the principal sum of eighteen hundred 1800 dollars Dull urs due and may 1 1895 with interest theron from the dae thereof until maturity at aith th rata of six BIS 6 per cent per annum ay able seini an II 11 anally ally and with interest thereon afat after r m mariir 1 ty amilie gatof twelin 12 per lent per ier annani payable genii and whereas it is provided in said eald d ded ed of trust that in ras cas ot nl dei atilt in tile payment of said paid pr nt n ite or the I 1 interest ll 11 there thereon iti tile hie shall upon the application of the 1 gal holder i I 1 said eaid nute sell seli and dispose ot of said prein ise and all the right title bent ben fit and equity of redemption of i tile lie said Jede le deliah fiah M N and lucy graut grant their evirs and ns as therein at public auction at tile in ohp lit in inner und and tor for the pir poses is in raid baij d died ed ot 01 tru t alter fiaai thirty 30 days notice a particularly 1 provi led lor lit in tad lad ded rf cf trust enco ti 0 t i winch which is hereby made tor for greater certa certainty in ty and cault has beon ben madi mad in the ot 01 sai said I principal note of froot 1800 it ain n i 1 it in tile payment oi fur f ur houpou inte interns note noiea of 54 ascii due 1 lbs 3 may 1 1 no vt in er 1 1894 aal ma 1 1895 leape clively awl aud said eaid tr note and culon c iu on it interest crest notes noiea are st 11 pat past due an n I 1 unpaid N iw cheref notice ii given th that a t 1 I tile d trus ee ft as 9 aforesaid at the I 1 equit st of th 1 ligal gal lit in aldr id rot of sad note aid und r aika by girtue of th ih power an I 1 authority in me nested by the said deed of trust w will ill on thursday the th esth day 1 I oct her ber at tie te hour of 10 opt ollo bolkin ikin the ilie forenoon oi of sai d bell tile above dee ril ailed riled oil property and all trip right title benefit and equity 0 of redemption of she ilif said jedediah M aal luca grant their theirs and assigns th rein at public auction for the and bet irice I rice tho s sim im will bring in cash at the county court douset at rand randolph in tile hie bounty of rich state of utah for the purpose of p tying said note and jn int arest coup coupas cou pins ns and all coats and expenses of executing exe cutini this trust WILLIAM WILLI Abi H DALE trustee first publication sept 4 1896 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS Je jedeiah dedah am M grant and lucy grunt Grant hi wit did by their vertain certain deed rf truit t dated tile the ath day of t Au august gulit 1890 and to ie or orvoil apil on oil the ath ilay day of august 1890 in book n D pages 27 to 31 iv of th re corIa Is in tl e office nt ohp recorder of de ds of rich ro aty in fit tile the t ti rr IT t rv rr now it ate oi of utah con vv so 0 o william H dale me B trustee thet following caribel real estate situate it ir sail said rich co coriaty rinty tow to w t the nor beast arter of section one 21 Township el ven veil 11 North Range seven 7 eat of taso tl salt lake merl lerl lian conta containing inin in hll hai one hundred an I 1 sixty acres he e the same more or less act aci or dini to government survey incle sing ing ath the sail land all the water rights which were owned by tho the said sad Jed jedediah edish 31 and lucy grant at th edrite of sai I deed of trust or which subset antl acquin d bv tile alie said iid s Jede jedadiah diall M and lucy grant and anduss andu usco sd in conn action with the said land which sm sai I 1 conveyance via as made in trust to secure to the alie order I 1 she lombard In invests vestin nt company tile tho payment ol 01 tile said jed dialia 11 an I 1 lucy grants one certain promis pi emissary sary note ot 01 even eai date ath w th sli sa 1 d I deed of trusts for the princ pal sum of twelve liua ired 1200 1200 dollars due and pa able august 1 1893 with iti interest terest cicon from from tile alie datz data thereof until maturity mat matura ma urty at the rate rata of six 6 per c nt lit per annum payable semi annually and with inter nt r st fi cre on aft after r maturity at the rate of ewt 1 e 12 1 per cent pr p r annum payable semiannually and an wi areas it is provided in said deed of trust bilat in cas of default dufault in the baym nt of said baid promissory promis sary note or tin in thereon tile trustee shall upon the application of the legal lit li t al holder bolder of said n noie le sell and di poso pose of said s and all the I 1 ight title b befit and ty y of ri redemption of the sa d je bediali M and lucy grant ane aner r choirs and as aa igns therein at put pul lie aution at tile in tile alio manner ail and for tile ilie pur purposes poles in said ded d ed of trust stated a tr t r first giving thirty 30 days rit nitice niti icv cr as particularly p provid d lor or in said deed if trust reverence rence to which is hereby made mada for greater certainty certainly and whereas default has been made in the payment of said raid principal note of 1200 and in the nt ni of four coupon interest st notes ot ol A 8 each ilu du feb uary 1 1894 au august aist 1 1894 february 1 1805 1895 an I 1 august 1 respectively epi chivily ively and said principal noto note and coupon interest lenet in notes are still past due and unpaid now therefore notice is hereby given enen that I 1 the undersigned undersigner under signed trustee as aforesaid at the tha liest of the legal holder oi of faid eaid note and under unde r and by virtue of the tha power an I 1 authority in me vested by the said deed ol 01 trust will on thursday tile the esth day of october 1896 at the hour of 10 lit the forenoon of said lay day sell the above describe I 1 prop arty an all I 1 I 1 all the n lit t tl leneat wid and equity of redemption of th said jid jed ji d di anih ill ill an i lucy grant h ir its iia ail mid a ass s g agns gns I 1 s t iee ie icem e I 1 Is at p puh lie lic aart on for thi iguest airl I 1 i es the sime same will linn brin in cj ca 11 at il 11 a 0 aloo of f the tha county court house ious e at It andolph in the c unav of rich state of utah lor loralie tile purpose of said note and interest coupons cu pons an I 1 I 1 all costs and expenses of ex eLuting th s trust WILLIAM if 11 II DALE trustee pull nation sept 4 1896 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS john S SJon jona and sand ullen Ellen jones ins his wife did by their cernin deed of 0 tru t boated the 3rd ard day of february 1891 and recorded on the ath lay day of february 1891 it in book D pages to int lasi e rif of tile records in tile the office ol of the of deeds 0 ridi rich county I 1 in the territory now 9 ate ae 0 utah convey to willi willinia i nii lit 11 II dila as tru trustee tee the foi seal ical est i i te situate in sai I 1 rich kich c ci unav to wit tile tie north norh oni l aalf alf of the southeast quart r and the lie southwest quarter of southeast quarter of sei and tile the na N jtb est quarter of tile arih N rl 11 at aa a t quatt r of sect on oll P ialeen 15 in Tv avil il ship el nen len 11 north rf if rang kang seven 7 east of sat loke lake meridian unite I 1 states 1 survey coMa containing ining mall otte one hundred and sixty ares be the same mure more or orlis orl is according to government sill vey with the said raid land all tile water ri ahls which were owned by tile said john S ani an ellen jone at the date 0 had bald dead of trust or which were subsequently acquired by the sat sai I 1 john S S anti and ell n jones and used in connection vi etith ith the sal I 1 land winch t ance wrig made in trust to feenie to the older of 0 tile the Loni bird invests investment tent com company pany tile the e n 0 the S and ell n jones tain promissory pr not oi e ean en date with said derd of trust for the principal bilm of S x dred GOO GOLI D balars liars due and payable fi l 1 with in feret t hereon hc reon froni from the dale cherof until matur mator ty at the rate of six eix 6 per i ent nt per ani annum turn payable femi and with int avit after matu rily at tile rate rata of belve telve 12 per tent per anum pa able sern ian i an annually n is ally and wl I 1 eraa it is pr provided avid d in saibi deed ot of tru ariit fc that in ill cae ca e 0 of default in the of sai I 1 pro iniss ry not or the interest shercon ther con the trustee shall upon the application of the legel of said note s 11 and ad dispose dai josf of said sabi premises and all the billit ri ht title benefit an ani and I 1 elu tv of of th alf said raid john S and E ellen lien jones their heirs and assigns it ewein at public nucleon nu au clion at fill place in the manner and fur for the purposes in sah deed of trust stated staled after first giving thirty 30 90 days notice as parti partial ul aly provided for in gaii deed of trust reference to winch which is ia hereby niala male tor for greater certainty and Wh whereat ereah deault lias has been made in the pa payment Vinent of said paid principal note nota of six hundred dollars and in the payment of a coupon inter in terrt Lt note of dollars due february 1 1896 and sigid principal note anti anil coupon interest note are still p due and unpaid now ther then foie notice is hereby I 1 riven chait I 1 the iru be aforesaid at the request of tile legal bold r of sail said boic and under atrid i ty y virt virtue io of ohp ant and author aut horty tv in me vested hv bv the said d ed of iret will on thura day the ath dav I 1 av of october Ot OL tober ill tile the hur hour of 10 in tse te forenoon of paid ab day dav sell the above bribed licop ltv and all tile right title and pen tv rf r demotion demp tion of tile said raid john S and ellen jones their litin lit in and therein at publio anition alc anc tion for tile the higl t anil abst price tile tic sanie will 1 r ne in in valli at the counte court house at randolph in thap county of rich state of utah tor for the purpose e f iraa bainn inta said note and int interest prest coupon and all costs and expenses of executing this trust WILLIAM il DALE trustee stee first farat bubli publication 1 cation sept 4 down A 4 away aw ay i down dow r go the prices of OUR ENTIRE STOCK of dry cods hods shoes notions Sata osis meals hens huts 3 MILLINERY etc etc te during the week commencing anday BA V d ay ky y fil we will close out the above mentioned goods at greatly reduced prices this we will da doin ina order to open up A FINE NEW STOCK IN OUR NEW BUILDING ahm A CK T ay y A no time no produce we want cash dont miss the opportunity of your life call early in the week weel n on I 1 0 andolph ri fal utah NOTICE FOR publication no 2996 unit d states land affife I 1 salt lal lak city august 10 SOS 1890 J hotca is hereby lie rely div n that ahm following Ifil lov ingrained rained getil r ha filed violace no ice of his intention to inake final proof in support ol 01 liis his claim mid and that said proof |