Show J BRAINS AND BALD P are to be believed IV he twentieth century IN woman oma H stands a good chance of being compelled to wear a wig the claim Is made that intellectual labor develops lack of 0 vitality in the hair and that tile tl daughters and granddaughters ot of the brainy aggressive women of today to day who are pushing themselves into the ali front rank of the professions and distinguishing gui shing themselves in the heeds ot or intellectual tel endeavor will be bald baldhead headed od in caily life science foresees this lamentable men table state of affairs and sends a note ot of warning the new woman may lie the progenitor of a nolder no liler a better woman a bra brainier inter oman atoman but the latter will be a bald woman the new woman Is herself developing a ten tendency deney to baldness it Is an accepted scientific fact that excessive mental labor 1 I lupei induces a weakness of the se scalp tissue anil and the loss of the hair that thai soon shows as partial baldness with willi succeeding generations this I 1 w cal cak ness Is aggravated and is often marked by a complete loss logs of hair in early life while a woman may escape actual baldness herself in her children the germ will be sown ind and so transmitted from generation to generation until our young women bome a will either cither be bald bald as 1 I the egg of commerce or at least be forced to weir wear we ir short crops of hair like unto that of the boys of the present day A glance over any of physicians lawyers statesmen or scientific men will show a decided majority of bald heads while of tho the remainder mal lider the supply ih is light anti and scant and tile tho man with a luxuriant growth in such a gathering Is conspicuous by reason of the fact close cloe otmer observation of the hundreds of women will are taking an active part in public affairs will nill reveal this tendency to scanty locks women naturally make every effort to conceal such stich a fact ind and it Is not apparent to tile the cassil observer but inquiry among specialists who treat loss 1088 of hair and scalp diseases is met with will the admi ason sou that IN while hile formerly women patrons I 1 were ere rare they now conic come for treatment lu in numbers ei lual to the male customers custo mors women in ill the hotel lan linnins linn inc the misses lellot two prominent young now new york society women IMI imie have e created considerable talk by thell recent action in opening a hotch 1 in ill that ali it city which they wilt wil her hereafter earter COD CM duct A few years 3 ago sueh such a move tin on tile the part of inen members ibers of the am hio would I 1 have been a lillie dabs wonder but new york society liis lately grown wiser ten I 1 on ears rs ago alion a of one of the oldest new yolk boik families opened a grocery store lit in num aport port society was sadly scandalized but it ila lias been found that ta it a t t lie off effort 0 r t to create iu ili american Amei Aline ican lican aristocracy that would look owr on vulgar trades was not destined desi to succeed indeed one of the lie i hobt popular s igns of the times la is tile itic action tion of so many sell mon luell and ami women in ili entering trade it makes americ americans ns feel that democratic institutions ire re not a failure a of pcr cuir it s a law of modem tonn form mal mea sh shall all not use perfumes os hilll women olilea nry ire permitted to carry about thell a delicate odor of floi flowers Nerg or but not too much of it time was when mien tile of flue ladles allies and dandles dandies was but all that Is now dow and the lad lady y I 1 Is s ex expected p e ct e d 1 to I 1 c carr 1 ir I 1 with her only a sli estion of perfume it 11 she liis has any at all tills this too in alti of the dictum from paris eliat alie sent shall bo be strong la is put pill on oil tile handkerchief essence of ori orris Is Is use used iti in the hilr hall and aud other eneas ten ene cos cs ire are used sell in my iny ladys toilet but cadi cach perfume la Is subtle and dell delicate ca te 6 alio I 1 1 p 11 has as her bath perfumed too she pu puts ts ea rau u lie dc cologne into it and liala a pint of benzine goes into it to clear the ski n and all d in make a ke it firm and aim tight one of the falls fads for r the bath at lb Is the use ilse of bags filled dall dally y with almond meal or orri orris III shaved soap hoap and oil of roses or I 1 11 lolcus ts la its it llla atily lt a ily lyla or woman Wo llian A recent issue of tile Verbi has the following to say regarding an all old I 1 dl dispute the use of tile the word lady whether in ill tile hie singular or the imply to acil designate ilat so sex is in tile Ie beher possible able taste thole Is a kind of pini ft abher her 9 gentility seen seems to lalle a n settled aversion to aig tile terms trl ll mail and MO NAo inan 12 i e expressions as she is a une flue lady a clever alvir las lid I 1 and id tile the like are studiously avoided by petous persons pet ous of refinement if a woman of culture ind and nt t ln la ort a lady is compelled from arod tiny cause to work in a store she che I 1 Is s quite content to bo be called a au an not so however aith ith your young woman who being in a store is in a bettor better position than ever before she si i WIN boils with will 1111 if she Is 18 tit not jt tit dominated a to my lady who plays play see her dainty lingers finger a i tripping Trip oer the ke keys yel with what grace sho does it with willi imbat wondrous OHM eake do docs her ter fi laYing mind you ot of tile the robins song bolix piping liping in m the tree tops topa all the llie morning long f cops her touch bring brills to y you oil thought of 0 br eaLing hearts Is lier her playing wondful ot of pour poor Ut Jup linds ids darts darta or does ane dear maldon maiden witt tile ivory hand make you think ot of in ili conle dreamy land dreamy like with its rippling ways dreany dreamy old sevilla evilla ot of tache chobe she plays P noi DO so this dinyer or of n hom now I 1 sing pretty little ri mai alden dainty little thing plays not ot ot of old romance roni ance no bleet dreams avok evokes ashes jut just my tYpe typewriter ariter copying off my jokes jok cs bazar Iria coa female ilal rape san Frinc cal not edinburgh ISS Is tile the proud possessor of the hi only woman bagpipe pi player a y I 1 in a abe she Is miss elaine alalue telfor aud she is an american by birth as wll by resilience residence she comes or of scottish stock however lier her father being a ai 1 ayrshire who traces ills his anelay back to robert bruce ills aitu il aulita hit nas fond conj of scottish legends and lala lit in her youth anil and at an early lige iga ill nn inspired by the ambition to be become coille tin the mistress tresi ot of the lions art of 0 piping she learned arneil le readily anil and slie mie la is llo w sought suii glit all MOD alons the coat coa t to give colegr 7 N ra 1 41 I 1 r 01 t IN z 0 OF TODAY TO DAY IVONIAN OF THE to the lh gatherings of the niell men frodi turns hurns land telfor is 19 a diglia dark haired gill ut of IS 18 but bill she caldei lie herself rIf with tile proverbial of oc the ahe piper and marches to tile the aurta she plays SIW sin 1 is dahly with alio llio medals binl decorations linn been bestowed upon tipon her by the llie ing 1111 so scotch litch froriep oc lelles of tile MIAs at a lai bal aio counter 1 oue one of tile anost till features Hiti ins of ali iho air large L shops NI vil heie iric women much of bitne ilij ill do 11 e of 11 1 L lr money lioney 1 Is tile ik known as tile 11 1 lien hele the bli tipper li 6 to be soon seen in lier must most d after llie i counter ru hes the lie snubs frow 1 I 1 ril rinks 11 9 the dib dlin of tile lie cash and n I 1 low lung list of if beular Sini ilar woes boes she nt treat sto to alic i L buo c diio cdcil by the ani I 1 iiii etor she alio sits iu in a helep 01 on velvet cushioned holls bolas she beld lc doin lier ter dignity anil and li hair she buhy ciali up lip on oil wi olle of tile alio liol ilot looking d divans ivales and gea to ti t sl fr leil etl slie she studies her shopping 1145 I 1 and examines usi tto elioso e or of her air which alio arries knitli lier slie she li iise sei tit alio birnis 1111 tile the I 1 i li Is 14 lit in ilc vill uthe ill pv tsou h I elonzia i abe si 54 terly luond fillon dm I 1 tile tinb lial kalliell asarue invez li en and once at been baeli morad to to tile lie euriM friendliness one of tile to ata ell sisterhood drifted into the llie dined therea nother wilo who eyed her litra belld ii ly iv adlor A few CS she wa I 1 red over to the lie lady of the llie frield asbed 1 I beg your pardon alio he sa salil silil ild but st I 1 illow ion 1011 hail had to bliE lill r tbt last 0 o cent fun fall ali hint it I 1 got NI gg 1 ike it now I 1 alili its too iliin il iii pink alli an voy for tile me whereupon tile the other all chasers wal win had avid put pill lit in for ivere to tile till 11 il I 1 sight sall t of ill I 1 rival t ell braell over overa I 1 ia f reut fan fall z e of li ars i turkish gil Is of thu the better claa ill i cities after 3 nie ate too old to atte tile llie befouls ire lir chiv L w ca led at lioma by gover governesses DIVIS illa 0 1 bout om come fro from ind lI liquet juet I 1 but tillia tely do 10 not re preset tile 1 4 hi hel helt t culture of 0 I 1 theae lice Dati galioni ua lioni so tl ll at k loic ole of study Is not it as s a 1 r 11 10 d 1 h t T 0 1 11 5 billier their influence lomeii have a great aptitude fir w fal ra el languages ind and those met luct on oil w the ste mors of the li often french and it Is not unusual for rheul I 1 to oak Ger germann nitin nm in also ut of fitzal Fitz l hl I 1 ee ill alic fluff J const 1 goll Q rai to to cuba declare tatt be fj compounded the first real mint juall J that Pre president cleveland ever dr w Is |