Show ET ILL nta T NAT ll 11 blowe 1 NOBODY I 1 1 ra A f K 1 l i yes the title of my story ob we wont like that story at a all II 11 I 1 I 1 think I 1 bear you exclaim but please begin it anil and I 1 think you will enjoy it its true every word and happened inIn nineteen oteen years tears ago in a country district about thirty thurly ure fire miles dilles north of I 1 the city of at san ann diego TIM THE STORY STORT why miss kate I 1 dont see sec the schoolhouse school house 1 I think perhaps were not ne near ar enough yet answered miss kate rather doubtfully oil yes we are dont you remember we could alwayn see it when we ive reached this tree said the little boy again well wlllie willie I 1 do bellene believe you are right and that our own little schoolhouse has been cither si swallowed allowed up or blown away exclaimed the teacher as she stopped suddenly in the path gazing with astonishment at the place where the bunding budding should have hare been we waft ciet it all wight at af noon wo we alith kate yes yea daisy dear but its gone now lets go here it stood ant and see it if we can discover what has become of it so up the steep hill they climbed when they arrived at the spot which was really a very barren unsheltered place they found that soule soone mischief worker hail been very busy during their absence one of the walls walla of tie the building lay at quite it a distance while the other three wore ivere piled on top of each other near at hand the hills bills and knolls knolla around were a medley of papers cl clock ck boo S stoves t oves polo pencils ells cili chalk alk desks and books what haldone had done the mischief now could it anve happened alfter after talking it over quite a while th they deeded it have been a sud of I wind ond finely local which hai played havoc with their little tempye of learning while they had boon been sleeping sloe pins the night before one ot of tile lie boys for the trustee who lived lit in the neighborhood ulas kate E ate anil the rest of ti the je work to gather up lip those of the which bad not been ruined this tl felt pretty blue the hot tears filled her eyes its as the she bent over her herl task what was she i he to do cirp she was tar far away from home ah the thought of her mother brot brogli I 1 er sand sisters in that homo whom she was tri trying ing so hard to help and now DOI 1 she lind ind no schoolhouse in ili liichi to teace tt trici ici wasile not it was a very ivry lonely place thinly settled the trustees had been paying her a L high salary sil liry and had even give alven U he her r an xara amount tor fot teaching on oil saturdays because site she was the ory nery first ben beell to during a term ran her face growing mono moie sl bilms all tile lie time it was a good thing it at night kale sald one of the boa bos 8 choir her yes 13 benny imy jush lith kate if I 1 it t ila had happny happ nd the day you forgotten to biving key and I 1 0 all bad anil to climb in and out of theA alio NIndo wed been all 1 I en I 1 all we 1111 dear mille daisy brownie oh lic here xe cowes comes mr case alk they ey shouted shou led running to moot tile onsy easy go 1119 ln gool wall I 1 deckar kate said hp P lulling md end bf lifter after ills climb this IS iii too III bad what are 3 aou ou a dot mr case pack my luy trunk and add mart for home tomorrow to morrow I 1 believe a steamer sails from rom san DIC diego dico o for the north 10 does doea it not said site she trembling lip and flashing ore ere not so fat of course I 1 cant say just what abc lother tr of will want to do but I 1 swan ewan wed air to have hate you go 1 I duoss I id drotter better up the oil old roan and jes drive ower ovir and lot let mr jones and mr sykes know bout this a anil comie comic and tell oil abisi evenin wo we decide to do ow you b ahme ake a good girl inake ull uit your mind that well not 1 let you getoor for such a little thing thine ns as the school huss down will we young dunst you bet your boots we vve wont shouted tho the loys boys thanking him for his encouraging words miss kate and hor her little hock flock started for home a lung on walk of a mile anil and a half before her it was in ili the lovely springtime spring time of the tha year and the air was so full of the songs of birds and tile the sweet fragrance of flowers that they soon recovered t their r g bood 0 od s spirits p 1 ri t s t and lri 1 lia lind d n not 0 t gone n e v very lerl y f far a r avii when e i i t they 1 ie y 1 had i aa t to 0 rat stop 0 agon and d have a good hearty laugh over tit alii funny misfortune one by one the boys and berls bade i their teacher goodby good by as they reached their homes ru rushing hIn with eagerness to lell fell tile the ex exciting ithie news to their parents who were IN ere filled with wonder when they saw their children returning from school bo early lit in the day during the evening miss kate received the hie promised call from mr cafe cae who ho brought the welcome vel conie news that the je schoolhouse was to bo be immediately rebuilt that the trustees lind had deter to build it much nearer her ber boarding place in a 1 pretty little sheltered dell until it was ready which he be thought would bo be in about a week she watt was to hold her classes in his front room again thanking him for his kindness and bidding him goodnight good night slie sha wont went to bell bed with a very happy heart the next day the children mot met with their teacher in mr cases front room and every day after that until tho the school building was really ready sir mr cases cas house by tile the way consisted of two tiny rooms the one in willcie tile the lessons were recited being the faintly sitting and bedroom ali and worst of all there was a teething baby in the house whose choso peevish cries often drowned the voices of teacher and pupils sly my how glad a day it was when the little unpainted schoolhouse was ready for its occupants once more even though it had no floor save the one furnished by mother earth even though its stove and clock were warped and rusty and its books and maps tattered and torn then the kind hind trustees had placed it in such a pretty spot all during tile days of the spring term the one little window and the door were thrown wide open to admit the sweet scents and the sounds ot of the season mocking bad hang in the cannons close by the little squirrels were wont to come and sit on the wood nood pile by the open door hummingbirds humming birds oh so brilliant darted hither and thither and the lowers flowers were so abundant and so gorgeous that the dell seemed to have been deluged with aarl arl colored paint from the great pots of the giants on the mountain tops a bove above so you ou see e my dears it was not such stich an III wind vind after all that one night blew down the little col country school house |